How to Prevent Autism -

How to Prevent Autism

Since autism usually develops within the first 30 months of age, and is usually diagnosed by the age of 3, prevention must take place very early, or even Autismprenatally. The causes of autism, a bio-neurological disability that disrupts normal social development in children, are still relatively unknown, but progress through constant medical research is being made.


Prevent Autism

    • Insist on early screening for autism with your pediatrician if any behavioral problems, such as not using language as a form of expression, are noted before the age of 2. Children should be “babbling” and using hand gestures, such as pointing, by 12 months of age, and using single words by 16 months. Phrases combining two words should be used by the second birthday.

    • Ask for genetic testing if the child exhibits any lack of social or verbal development before the age of 2. Children should be tested for high resolution chromosome studies, known as karyotype.

    • Schedule metabolic testing to prevent the onset of autism, especially if the child vomits on excessive occasions. This may indicate metal toxicity or other poisoning in the bloodstream.

    • Investigate the possibility that vaccinations may have a role in the occurrence of autism, especially the MMR vaccine used for rubella, the mumps and measles. Remember that the evidence of these vaccines, and other ones containing trace amounts of mercury, causing autism are still inconclusive.

    • Avoid eating foods that may contain unsafe levels of mercury during pregnancy, such as seafood. There is a growing amount of evidence that links the incidence of autism to metal toxicity in the bloodstream.

    • Communicate constantly with your pediatrician about the latest research developments in the study of autism and its causes. While much of the evidence is either contradictory or inconclusive, the overall picture as to the possible causes of autism has become much clearer in the last few years.

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