Maintenance, upkeep and care of Prosthesis -

Maintenance, upkeep and care of Prosthesis

Ensure that suspension cuff/band is in good condition and metal joints are not loose before wearing the appliance.The stump should be washed before going to bed with an antiseptic soap and warm water. Clean the inside of socket daily with mild soap and warm water. Stump socks should be washed daily.

Joints of the caliper should be oiled at least once in a week.

Keep the appliance and shoes neat and clean.

Replace worn off shoe heels.

In case of breakage of components of caliper/ orthosis get the same repaired or replaced immediately at nearest limb fitting centre DDRC/NI/ALIMCO.

Growing children should be brought once every three months to adjust fitting.

Avoid wetting of the appliance.

When not in use, keep the appliance in a dry and safe place.

Examine skin of your limb everyday for any undue pressure mark/ulceration due to orthosis and report it to your doctor/P&O.

Check all the screws, nuts and bolts daily.

Maintenance, upkeep and care of Prosthesis

The stump should be washed before going to bed with an antiseptic soap and warm water.

Clean the inside of socket daily with mild soap and warm water.

Stump socks should be washed daily.

Avoid wrinkles in the stump socks while worn to avoid ulceration of the skin

Before wearing the prosthesis, apply antifungal or antibacterial powder in the socket.

Examine the stump daily for evidence of any part under pressure/Ulceration and report it to your doctor/P&O immediately.

If there is swelling on the stump, it should be wrapped firmly with a crape bandage and if swelling persists report it to your doctor/P&O.

Do stump exercises everyday.

When not in use, keep the prosthesis in dry and safe place.

In case of breakage get the part of the prosthesis repaired/ replace immediately at the nearest fitment centre / DDRC / NI / ALIMCO.

Don’t use in case of diabetes, sensory impairment, skin infection / heart ailment etc. without consulting doctor/P&O.

Don’t go to accident prone sites such as fire / risk / riot zone etc.

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