National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) -

National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM)

Government of IndiaNRLM ensures adequate coverage of persons with disability under NRLM at least 3% of the total households covered would be persons with disability. NRLM recognizes that poverty and disability are closely linked to each other and therefore takes efforts to address specific needs of individuals as well as families of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs).

NRLM has advised States to undertake participatory vulnerability assessment process while undertaking social mobilization at the community level. This entry point activity at the village level with a specific focus on identification of households with PWDs shall ensure greater inclusion of these individuals and families into the NRLM network.

SRLMs such as SERP – Andhra Pradesh, Kudumbashree – Kerala and Pudhu Vazhavu – Tamil Nadu have demonstrated best practice models on empowering and mainstreaming persons with disability by proactively including them during social mobilisation and institution building processes, thereby providing livelihood opportunities, quality of life and securing their dignity. Some of the best practices these States have initiated include:

  1. Disability assessment.
  2. Access to requisite national ID cards.
  3. Aids and appliances.
  4. Medical care.
  5. Vocational Skill Training.
  6. Individual assistance for livelihoods.
  7. Economic activity groups.
  8. Old age Pension.
  9. Insurance Scheme

In addition to the above, SRLMs such as Bihar, Rajasthan and Maharashtra have initiated field trial pilots on working with PWDs with technical assistance from senior disability rights consultants.

Currently, a total of 1,742 individual Swarojgaries have been assisted under SGSY/ NRLM in 2012-13.


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