Swarnalatha - Life finds a WAY
SWARNALATHA J Profile Picture

Swarnalatha J
Swarga Foundation
Managing Trustee

I’m affected with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis since 2009 and currently wheel-chair bound. I hold a Diploma in Computer Science and a post graduate in Hindi Literature. I can read, write and speak 6 languages. I worked for 12 years at Bangalore and Mumbai with Companies like ITC, AXA, Mitsubishi and Audi. My areas of expertise include Human Resources, Admin, Finance, Customer Care, Travel, Purchase, Advertising, Content writing and Merchandising. Im a Motivational speaker, Social Activist, Singer, Artist (arts & crafts), Puppeteer, Green Crusader, Counsellor, Story writer, Photographer.

SWARNALATHA J motivation speech

In March 2015, on International Womens day, I was awarded The Woman Achiever Award for Extraordinary Service in Coimbatore by The Laramp Momo. In March 2016, I was awarded The Woman Achiever Award by Disoni in Coimbatore on International Women’s day and with the PATHBREAKER AWARD at the VIII Rotaract District Conference for significant contributions to the society.

Swarga Foundation was founded in October 2014 by my husband, Guruprasad T S and me, which works for the betterment of people with neurological disorders and disabilities.

Swargas Mission is to improve the lives of individuals with Multiple Sclerosis and other neuro-muscular disorders by increasing awareness among the general public and thereby transforming the general attitude in society towards differently-abled individuals. This transformation will increase empathy and improve access to opportunities that are currently inaccessible due to lack of infrastructure and misinterpretations of disabilities among the general public.

Life Finds A Way

Puppet Show

In association with Election Commission of Tamilnadu, have created awareness about 100% voting through puppet show for persons affected with Disability. The video has been widely circulated on online media like Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp, etc. The same has been telecast in the television channels like Pudiya Thalai Murai and local channels as part of the Tamilnadu 2016 Election campaign.

Tamil Nadu Elections 2016

Accessible Tamil Nadu Election

Conduct puppet making workshops for patients and children regularly. Perform puppet shows on social causes like Water conservation, waste segregation, vegetable gardening, disability & inclusion, etc.


In January 2016, during the audio launch of “POKIRI RAJA”, tamil movie, got an opportunity to perform on stage for an audience of about 15000 people and cast & crew of the film. Was chosen as the lead female singer for theme song of the Cycle Race event TOUR DE KERALA, powered by FUJI BIKES at Cochin in August 2014


I’m Special Calendar 2017

I’m Special Calendar 2017 showcases 12 different models who are specially abled from across the country.


In May 2016, at the recently concluded “SPIRIT OF INDIA” exhibition in Bangalore, the picture I clicked was chosen for display and sold in aid of Multiple Sclerosis Society of India, where renowned photographers from all over India exhibited their photographs.

Done event photography in September 2014 for YELLOW TRAIN KIDS MARATHON. Below picture was published in the HINDU METROPLUS. Also was a photographer for Coimbatore Vodafone Marathon.

Have done portfolios of many patients affected with neurological diseases. Featured some of them as models for I’M SPECIAL Calendar 2016

Short Flim

Father’s Day

Story Writing

Inner Wheel Club of Coimbatore West conferred the title “SHUBHA JANANI”, on August 7, 2015. Won first prize for the story submitted on the occasion of World breastfeeding Awareness Week. Have written many short stories. Also write scripts for the puppet shows I perform on various social causes


  • In March 2015, on International Women’s day, was awarded The Woman Achiever Award for Extraordinary Service in Coimbatore by The Laramp Momo.
  • In March 2016, was awarded The Woman Achiever Award by Disoni in Coimbatore on International Women’s day
  • Was awarded with the PATHBREAKER AWARD at the VIII Rotaract District Conference for significant contributions to the society.

Photo Gallery

Contact Address

No. T6, B Block, Royal Sheraton Apartments, Nanjundapuram Road, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu641036. India

Email : supportus@swargafoundation.org, swargafoundation1@gmail.com
Phone: +91 96001 52849 / 97902 73063

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