Swimmers will be categorized as follows:
- S1 to S10 – Physical Impairment (eg: those affected by polio, amputees, cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy, etc)
- S11& S12- Visual Impairment (Fully and partially affected)
- S14 – Intellectual Impairment
- DS -Down Syndrome
For more details on classification, please go through the following link: Paralymipic Classification
The swimmers would be brought under the groups of sub juniors, juniors and seniors for the male and female categories separately. Winners in this State Level Championship will be selected for 14th National Paralympic Swimming Championship.
PSATN is looking forward to enthusiastic participants from all over Tamil Nadu to give their names to the Association in the prescribed format on or before 15th July,’14 to facilitate the organisers to plan this state level event.
The participation would be free of cost and the PSATN will arrange breakfast, lunch and evening tea on both the days and dinner on 1st day of the event. Accommodation will be provided for outstation candidates on 19th Jul.’14. First day, our doctors will do classification. Classification done by our doctors will be final. The participants will have to make their own arrangements to arrive at the venue on the scheduled date & time.
Details of the application forms and other documents for submission are available on the website: www.ywtc.org. The completed application forms along with supporting documents should reach the below address on or before 15th July,’14.
Ends: 2014-07-20:00.000
Contact for More Details
Phone : 9841609601
Email : contact@ywtc.org
How to can i join the match