Guidelines on Provisions for Adapted Vehicles of categories M1, N1 and M2.

Adapted vehicle for Persons with disabilities
“Adapted vehicle” means a motor vehicle either specially designed and constructed, or to which alterations have been made under sub-section (2) of section 52, for the use of a person suffering from any physical defect or disability, and used solely by or for such person. (Reference: Motor Vehicle (Amendment) Act 2019 No. 32 of 2019 issued by Ministry of Law and Justice dated 9th August 2019.)
Part A
Approval of Retro Fitment / Adaptation kit for Four wheeled vehicle for differently abled driver
- To provide safe mobility to a person having lower or upper limb physical disability.
- To standardize modifications in the four wheeled vehicles of category M1 and N1 to make them suitable for a specific type of disability.
- Following are some typical disabilities of limbs, for consideration for driving:
- a) Left leg (partial or full) : May be considered
- b) Right leg (partial or full) : May be considered
- c) Both leg (partial or full) : May be considered
- d) Left /right hand (partial or full): May be considered
- e) Both hands (partial or full): Not recommended under normal situations. May be considered under special case.
- f) Person with short stature: May be considered
- Following aspects may be considered for certifying the differently abled driver for his driving abilities of the vehicle fitted with retro fitment /adaptation kit.
- Vision;
- Muscle strength, flexibility and range of motion;
- Co-ordination and reaction time;
- Judgment and decision making abilities;
- Ability to drive with adaptive equipment as specified above.
Type of Physical Disability – Impairment in both legs.
Vehicle Selection – Manual clutch / gear shift mechanism OR Automatic Transmission.
Recommended modifications :
- a) Hand operated driving control for Clutch, Gearshift, Brake and Accelerator. OR
- a) In case of automatic transmission, hand operated driving control for Brake and Accelerator.
- b) Unit providing easy hand operated controls such as head lamps, direction indicators, horn. wind screen wiping system etc. (optional).
- c) Space for aids / crutches / wheel chair (optional).
- d) Symbol for vehicle for a person with physical disability
Type of Physical Disability – Impairment in left legs.
Vehicle Selection – Manual clutch / gear shift mechanism OR Automatic Transmission.
Recommended modifications :
- a) Hand operated driving control for Clutch, Gear shift mechanism, right leg for accelerator and brake pedal. OR
- a) In case of automatic transmission, no modifications required.
- b) Space for aids / crutches (optional).
- c) Space for aids / crutches / wheel chair (optional).
- d) Symbol for vehicle for a person with physical disability
Type of Physical Disability – Impairment in right legs.
Vehicle Selection – Manual clutch / gear shift mechanism OR Automatic Transmission.
Recommended modifications :
- a) Hand operated driving control for, Brake and Accelerator. OR
- a) In case of automatic transmission left leg operated driving control for brake and accelerator pedal.
- b) Space for aids / crutches (optional).
- c) Symbol for vehicle for a person with physical disability
Type of Physical Disability – Impairment in right / Left hands (Partial or full).
Vehicle Selection – Automatic Transmission.
Recommended modifications :
- a) Unit providing easy hand operated controls such as head lamps, direction indicators, horn, wind screen wiping system etc., (optional)
- Steering knob
Type of Physical Disability – For short height person.
Vehicle Selection – Automatic Transmission / Manual clutch.
Recommended modifications :
- a) Brake and accelerator control with the left hand or pedal extension and seat modification as per height
- b) Hand operated driving control for Clutch, Gearshift, Brake
- and Accelerator.
- Part B – Wheelchair Accomodation and Vehicle Accessibility Requirments
- Part C – Provisions for adapted vehicles of category M1 when major modifications are carried out which needs reverification or re-testing by testing agency for differently abled driver and passengers with reduced mobility.
for more details Part A, B, C and Annexure, download the AIS-169 Guidelines in below link
AIS – 169 : Guidelines on Provisions for Adapted Vehicles of categories M1, N1 and M2
Great information for handicapped person