Psycho Educational Assessment
Alpha to Omega offers Comprehensive Assessment since 1994. The assessments are conducted for admission purposes and to determine the strengths and weaknesses of those students with academic underachievement.
Internal assessments are conducted during the academic year to evaluate the progress and to plan IEPs.
The assessment process is done with standardized tests for cognitive and achievement skills. In addition the Learning Potential Assessment Device (LPAD) is also used to probe the potential.
Post graduate final students from various colleges from the Southern states visit for observations and internships around the year. Case study and Research projects students are activities conducted by the visiting PG and M Phil students.
Some of the students have carried out studies to understand the acceptance of parents, attitude of adolescents with reading problems or on the self esteem of our students. The projects have helped us to appraise and make changes in our intervention.
Teaching Program
Curriculum Based Assessment
To monitor and evaluate the progress in reading, spelling, comprehension and writing
Learning strategies curriculum
The Strategies Intervention Model developed by the Kansas University Centre for Research on Learning, teach students how to strategically analyze and complete a task. The main focus is to teach students independent learning skills.
Montessori-based math lab
To master the functional daily life math skills
Human value education
Impart spirituality and moral education
Speech therapy
To articulate and overcome receptive and expressive language deficits
Build self concept and resolve emotional behaviour patterns
Multisensory teaching approach
Multisensory teaching is simultaneously visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic-tactile to enhance memory and learning phoneme awareness and decoding skills.
No. 58, New Avadi Road, Kilpauk, Chennai – 600 010
Tel: 044 2644 3090, 2647 6257
Fax: 044 2644 8608
37, Kazhipathur, 3/176, Samathuva Nagar Main Road,
Padur Post, Pin – 603 103
Tel: 044 6745 8218, 27497208