Amalarakini School for the Blind -

Amalarakini School for the Blind

[Amalarakini School for the Blind] This is a special school for the visually impaired, founded in e year 1980, August 18th, by the Brothers of the Sacred Hearth of Jesus. Ref. Br. A. Thomas SHJ was the founder of the Institution. It is a Government recognized school for the Blind. Ref. I. Mathalai Muthu SHJ is the present Director and Correspondent.This is a special school for the visually impaired, founded in e year 1980, August 18th, by the Brothers of the Sacred Hearth of Jesus. Ref. Br. A. Thomas SHJ was the founder of the Institution. It is a Government recognized school for the Blind. Ref. I. Mathalai Muthu SHJ is the present Director and Correspondent.


  • 1. To empower visually challended 100 children of Amalarakkini School for the blind by giving adequate training to sharpen their inner skill of music.
  • 2. The music school will serve the children of surrounding “Dhalit” community who have no access to learn music.
  • 3. To train gifted musicians in the school to enable them to perform at professional level in the Richard Walsh music troop.
  • 4. To promote employment opportunity through Richard Walsh school of music.

Future plans:

  1. Richard Walsh school of music should be registered to get Govt, reorganization.
  2. Regional cultural Folks needs attention later.
  3. “Parrai” will be taught – used for awareness street programmer.
  4. “Villupattu” Threakothu, Pommalattam and Karagattam will be included.

Separate Richard Walsh School Block be erected with the facility of separate class rooms, Recording Room and Practice Room.

Other Needs:

  1. Richard Walsh school students will be given separate I.D. Cards
  2. The Orchestra needs separate uniforms
  3. For the practice purpose one more set of acoustic music instruments.
  4. I would appreciate if the school has a full time music teacher.
  5. The teachers should be given special training.
  6. A Band set with Band Master will add more touch to Richard Walsh Music troop.
  7. Promotion of scholarship.


Director & Correspondent

Rev. Bro.I.Mathalai Muthu SHJ. M.Sc.,M.Ed.,M.Phil

Amalarakkini School for the Blind

Amali Nagar-Susainagar-632 326

Thiruvannamalai District

Tamil Nadu

South India


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