Tamil Nadu District Differently Abled Welfare Offices
List of Addresses of all District Differently Abled Welfare Offices in Tamil Nadu
List of Addresses of all District Differently Abled Welfare Offices in Tamil Nadu
National Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation (NHFDC), for and on behalf of Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India, invites applications from Students with Disabilities for award of Scholarships under the Scholarship Scheme (Trust Fund)
Tamil Nadu Government – New Schemes for Differently abled (2013 -2014 )
Visually Impaired children are identified and assessed and prepared to join in main stream education. Early Intervention Centre for Visually Impaired has been established in 18 Districts.
Early Intervention Centres for Mentally Retarded Children have been established in all the districts to benefit 50 Children in each District. These Centres have been established through NGOs
Infant and young children with Hearing Impairment are given training to develop Speech and Language skills so as to get integrated into normal School by the time they attain the age of 5 years.
Issue of National identity cards to Differently Abled. National Identity cards are issued by District Differently Abled Welfare Officers based on the Disability Certificate.
The report forecasts total market value to reach $45.9 billion in 2013 and $60.5 billion in 2018, after increasing at a five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.7%.
Disabled persons can get a flat deduction on Income Tax on producing their disability certificate. If disability is severe Rs 1 lakh can be claimed else Rs 50,000
Strengthening Inclusive Practices for Mainstreaming Persons with Disabilities in Higher Education and Work Place – 27th & 28th February,2014