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Interacting with people with disabilities

Interacting with people with disabilities

Interaction with people with disabilities is an unfamiliar and sometimes threatening experience for many people. Avoidance behaviour can occur. Training can help staff deal with these issues.

Expectations of People with a Disability

Expectations of People with a Disability

his section covers some of the general issues that people with disabilities face every day and also some areas that a person with a disability would expect a librarian to have some knowledge about when approached about library facilities and services.

A Way with Words for Disability

A Way with Words for Disability

It is important to maintain natural language when interacting with people with disabilities. Some common usages are encouraged by the World Health Organization. Useful short definitions are:

Eye safety and prevention of visual disability

Eye safety and prevention of visual disability

Children and adolescents account for a
disproportionate share of ocular injuries. The majority of these injuries are related to
unsupervised and dangerous activities.
These injuries can be devastating and a
significant cause of visual impairment in
most of these children.

People with hearing impairments

People with hearing impairments

These other conditions can result in significant additional handicaps to a hearing handicap. Because hearing impairment varies so greatly, it is not possible to generalise about interacting with people with significant hearing impairment and it is not possible

People with print disabilities

People with print disabilities

These conditions can result in significant additional handicaps to a print handicap. Because they vary so greatly, it is not possible to make general statements about interaction with people experiencing them

Person With Psychiatric Disability

Person With Psychiatric Disability

symptoms such as disordered thoughts, hallucinations and loss of contact with reality can make it difficult for a person to concentrate, process information, solve problems, make judgements or follow instructions

Peoples with an intellectual disability

Peoples with an intellectual disability

An intellectual disability should not be confused with a psychiatric disability or mental illness, although a person with an intellectual disability may also have a psychiatric disability.

Prevention of physically challenged in tamilnadu

Prevention of physically challenged in tamilnadu

Many physical disabilities do not have cure. Also, scientist do not know causes for many physical disabilities. But, there are some things that can be done to prevent some physical disabilities. Here are some ways that people can try to prevent having physical disabilities.