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UGC XII Plan guidelines for persons with disability schemes

UGC XII Plan guidelines for persons with disability schemes

Guidelines for Persons with Disabilities Scheme in Universities/Colleges XII Plan (2012-2017). the University Grants Commission (UGC) is supporting universities in the country to involve in special education activities to empower differently-abled persons.

World’s richest man hiring ‘differently abled’

World’s richest man hiring ‘differently abled’

who employs over 170,000 workers across the US, Latin America and the Caribbean for his Mexico City-based telecoms business America Movil, says those he employed in his call centers are very dedicated and are good for company morale. Corporate America has to realize that it makes good economic sense to invest in people with disabilities because they will help with the bottom line, Shriver added.

TEMPO Uniski and TEMPO Dualski

TEMPO Uniski and TEMPO Dualski

The Tempo Dualski and Uniski are intended to people who have a lower limb disability. They allow to ski independently with remarkable performances like the best stand up skiers.

BJOY Stick A

BJOY Stick A

Mouse based on a joystick similar to the wheelchair’s one and with big accessible buttons. It is part of the BJOY range of products: can be tailored to the user’s needs and capabilities and the operation can be customised using the BJOY Software.

HouseMate – The smart way to control your world

HouseMate – The smart way to control your world

HouseMate – Turn on your room lights and close the curtains. Change channels on your TV and turn up the heating. Answer a phone call and send some texts. Browse the Internet, play some music or watch YouTube.