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Social Security Scheme for Persons with disabilities : Karnataka

Social Security Scheme for Persons with disabilities : Karnataka

Person with Disability who is economical conditions are poor and unable to maintain himself with food clothing and shelter and could not meet other basic needs is paid monthly maintenance allowance of Rs.400 per month Around 4.00 lakhs persons with disabilities are available this benefit and Annual budgetary burden on the exchequer is around Rs.200 crores.

Employment & Training Scheme for Persons with Disability : Karnataka

Employment & Training Scheme for Persons with Disability : Karnataka

The Karnataka Government has provided 3% reservation in A and B Post and 5% reservation in C and ‘D’ category of posts in all Government recruitments. The Karnataka Government has also identified different kinds of jobs, which can be suitable for persons with disability.

Driverless Car for India – Rise Prize

Driverless Car for India – Rise Prize

The Mahindra Group Wednesday launched India’s biggest innovation prize- the ‘Rise Prize’ which offers USD1 million to drive globally relevant, disruptive innovations while helping build a culture of innovation in India. It will start with two primary challenges, the Mobility Challenge, which invites solutions for driverless cars in India, while the second Solar Challenge aims to make solar energy products more accessible to the population at large.

Education Schemes for Differently abled : Karnataka

Education Schemes for Differently abled : Karnataka

The Government of Karnataka has established 8 Res. Special Schools for children with visual or hearing impairment. Out of 8 Res. Special Schools 4 schools are for children with visually impaired and 4 schools are for children with hearing impairment.