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Mission to the blind

Mission to the blind

India holds the largest blind population, who live in desperate physical and spiritual needs. Mission To The Blind is an expression of God’s love and concern for them.

National Federation of the Blind

National Federation of the Blind

The National Federation of the Blind came into existence in the year 1970 with the philosophy “Let the Blind Lead the Blind”. The objectives for which the Federation has been established include; to strive for equality of opportunity for the Blind in the field of Education, Training and Employment etc. The Federation is serving the blind community through its various Welfare programmes run by 51 branches and units through out the Country. It has strong membership of about 1, 00,000 and it is affiliated to World Blind Union.The National Federation of the Blind came into existence in the year 1970 with the philosophy “Let the Blind Lead the Blind”. The objectives for which the Federation has been established include; to strive for equality of opportunity for the Blind in the field of Education, Training and Employment etc. The Federation is serving the blind community through its various Welfare programmes run by 51 branches and units through out the Country. It has strong membership of about 1, 00,000 and it is affiliated to World Blind Union.

Lotus Blind Welfare Trust of India

Lotus Blind Welfare Trust of India

LOTUS runs a hostel for the poor, blind girls who are pursuing their higher studies in various city colleges. All the inmates of the hostel hail from very poor families in the small towns and villages of Tamilnadu, who after completing their schooling have come to Chennai driven by their desire to pursue their higher studies.

The Story of Nagarjun, Our Focused Ability Achiever

The Story of Nagarjun, Our Focused Ability Achiever

There was an ancient story of the focus of Arjuna, the warrior. When the Guru Dronacharya asked Arjuna who was fixing the target on a bird ‘what he is seeing- Arjuna replied- Gurudev! Eye of the bird… Guru was amazed at Arjuna’s ability to focus. He became favorite disciple of Guru Dronacharya. There was an ancient story of the focus of Arjuna, the warrior. When the Guru Dronacharya asked Arjuna who was fixing the target on a bird ‘what he is seeing- Arjuna replied- Gurudev! Eye of the bird… Guru was amazed at Arjuna’s ability to focus. He became favorite disciple of Guru Dronacharya.

Dreaming With eyes -Swapna

Dreaming With eyes -Swapna

What she wants? She doesn’t want wealth; she doesn’t want her son to be the most successful person on earth. She wants her Kannu to be recognized and respected as human being. She wants dignity for her child.

Computer training courses for the hearing impaired

Computer training courses for the hearing impaired

There are lot of opportunities available for differently abled persons and they should make good use of it. On successful completion of this course, we will employ them as guest faculty or supporting staff. We recently hired a teacher and she is doing an excellent job

A Ray of Hope for the Visually Impaired Students

A Ray of Hope for the Visually Impaired Students

The visually impaired students can academically be successful beyond any doubt if appropriate instructional strategies are adopted by the educational system and proper services are provided by the authorities. There is a need of full array of programmes and that too in consonance with their unique educational needs. The focus should be on fostering independence in them. All this is possible if due emphasis is laid on adequate curriculum development and by stressing on modification of behaviour and facilities.

Exam Facilities by CBSE to the differently abled

Exam Facilities by CBSE to the differently abled

Certain relaxations are given to the differently abled, dyslexic and spastic students appearing for the exams. Students having learning disabilities can take breaks during the exam and those having dyslexia, blindness or autism can get a writer or Amanuensis for writing their exams. Sixty minute of extra time in each paper is given to these students. The students who have the problem of Dyscalculia are exempted from studying maths. Dyslexic/spastic/physically handicapped students have the option of studying one compulsory language as against two and any four subjects from the following:

What Are The Causes of Cerebral Palsy

What Are The Causes of Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy actually a problems Then again a condition, Exactly like deaf.Children And consequently men and women Methods and pricedisease really should not be like People cerebral palsy On their own Nonetheless In addition to playing Receiving cerebral palsy. End up being To find the deaf, You are required to Worst case scenario Guy is Keeping deaf ness and don’t About Speak to the guy a deaf person.

Jhamak Ghimire – Madan Puraskar award winner

Jhamak Ghimire – Madan Puraskar award winner

[Jhamak Ghimire – Madan Puraskar award winner] Thirty-year-old, Jhamak Kumari Ghimire, a handcapped writer, has bagged this year’s Madan Puraskar, Nepal’s most prestigious award in literature , for her autobiography ‘Jeevan Kaanda ki Phool’ that means Life Flower or Thorn. Last year the This prize was given to other handicapped writer ,Nar Bahadur Saud of Baitadi last year on his contribution to the agricultural development by writing book Nepalka Balinali Ra Tinko Digo Kheti (Crops in Nepal and their sustainable cultivation).