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HOPE –  mentally challenged home

HOPE – mentally challenged home

Hope is non-profit, non-commercial voluntary organization dedicated to the welfare of the mentally challenged. The Institute started with 2 students in 1996, today the Institute is serving 150 mentally challenged persons. The boys and girls are accomadated in two separate buildings with a common dining facility.

Education and Employment for Disabled

Education and Employment for Disabled

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) ensures that every child with special needs, irrespective of the kind, category and degree of disability, is provided meaningful and quality education. Hence, SSA has adopted a zero rejection policy. This means that no child having special needs should be deprived of the right to education and taught in an environment, which is best, suited to his/her learning needs.

Is it really the disability capital of India? – Meenu Bhambhani

Is it really the disability capital of India? – Meenu Bhambhani

Yet, it remains a city that is non-interfering and one that lets you be. As a woman and as a woman with disability, Bangalore has given me both anonymity and welcomed me with open arms. I am quite hopeful that Bangalore would live up to its name of being the disability capital of India and also become “world class” by including all.

Mohammed Asif creates UID framework for differently abled

Mohammed Asif creates UID framework for differently abled

Mohammed Asif Iqbal, 34, is visually impaired, but has a keen sense of boundaries being crossed. The consultant with PricewaterhouseCoopers in Kolkata bristles every time he hears of a differently-abled person struggling through the maze of Indian bureaucracy for a job. It reminds him of his own ordeal with something as simple as procuring a disability certificate.

Detect Learning Disabilities in Children

Detect Learning Disabilities in Children

Learning disorders affect children both academically and socially. Read on to determine if your child needs professional help.Learning disabilities in children may be detected only after a child begins school and faces difficulties in acquiring basic academic skills. However, there are a few things you can look out for to identify if your child needs help.

Deaf Enabled – A day of fun  for deaf children

Deaf Enabled – A day of fun for deaf children

Welcome to the world of the Deaf! We are the Deaf Enabled Foundation, an organization that is of the Deaf, for the Deaf and by the Deaf. It is our joy to share our desires, cares and needs with you. You will find a lot of videos on our website, this is because we communicate through Indian Sign Language and this is the best way for us to share what we have to say with our Deaf brothers & sisters across India.

Learning Disabilities in Children

Learning Disabilities in Children

If you think your child might have a learning disability, you may feel overwhelmed by the information, the numerous tests, and the lack of clarity about how to get the best help for your child. What you need is a roadmap for sifting through the information and finding the valuable support that is available.

1500 scholarships for student with disabilities

1500 scholarships for student with disabilities

National Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation (NHFDC), for and on behalf of Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India, invites applications from Students with Disabilities for award of Scholarship under the following two Scholarship Schemes