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Vishal Jain, a visually impaired MBA student at IIM Lucknow,India

Vishal Jain, a visually impaired MBA student at IIM Lucknow,India

This is a story of Vishal Jain, a visually impaired MBA student at IIM Lucknow, India. Coming from a small town in Karnataka state, Vishal had to stop his studies after 9th standrd due to deterioration of his eyesight and lack of awareness to handle it. However his inner urge to learn brought Vishal to Bangalore to learn to operate the computer and continue his studies.

Entrepreneurial spirit – Prateek Agarwal

Entrepreneurial spirit – Prateek Agarwal

I admire a lot of things about Prateek – his pro-activity, entrepreneurial spirit, professionalism and many other qualities! .Today Prateek’s story will start making impact on hundreds of people. But more than this, I believe that from now on we will start receiving dozens, hundreds and, who knows, thousands of stories of people all over the World! So let’s enjoy Prateek’s story! You can also find an audio version below the video.

Callidi motor works – powered wheelchairs

Callidi motor works – powered wheelchairs

Callidai Motor Works is the largest Indian manufacturer of Powered and Special Wheelchairs. Our equipment is meant to aid the needs of patients with diverse needs arising from ailments & medical conditions such as Polio, Amputation, Muscular Dystrophy, Multiple Sclerosis, Spinal injuries , Cerebral Palsy and old age.

She without arm, he without leg – ballet – Hand in Hand

She without arm, he without leg – ballet – Hand in Hand

This is beautiful.. just more proof that you can do anything you set your mind to… NOTHING and nobody can stop you but yourself.. AMAZING!! Are these people serious who could not feel the love and passion behind this dance let alone appreciate it!

Bharatanatyam On Wheel Chairs by Ability Unlimited

Bharatanatyam On Wheel Chairs by Ability Unlimited

The World Famous Dance Theatre for Persons with Disabilities “Ability Unlimited Foundation” Delhi, in association with National Institute of Personal Management, (NIPM) Bangalore, on occasion of its Golden Jubilee Celebrations announced the First of its Kind in the World and History of Indian Classical Dance “Bharatanatyam On Wheel Chairs”

The Silent Indian National Anthem

The Silent Indian National Anthem

Please stand up for the National Anthem before you play the video. I just finished hearing this Silent Anthem with such patriotic fervor and earnestness, actually I have words not enough to describe how emotionally moved I am, I salute these marvellous children and pray that each of them get a chance to excel in their chosen spheres of livelihood later on and continue to uphold the integrity of out beautiful country, having said this I am immensely proud of Amit Agarwal, the idea behind this patriotism.
Jai Hind !!

Ability unlimited on wheel chairs dance

Ability unlimited on wheel chairs dance

To explain the Truth is indeed a difficult task. However the AUF takes the PWDS through rich expressions that touch the salient ingredient of Sufi mysticism. Adding extensively to cultural repertoires the Words, being limited, can never really express the perfection of the Absolute, the Unbound.

Concession in Indian Railways

Concession in Indian Railways

The concession certificate can be issued by Medical Practitioner/Government Doctor/Heads of the Institutions for the Blind recognized by Ministry of Welfare/Govt. of India or Social Welfare Department of the concerned State Government. The copy of original certificate may be produced while collecting the ticket.

Concessional fare – indian airlines

Concessional fare – indian airlines

The Indian Airlines Corporation allows 50% concessional fare to Blind persons on single journey or single fare for round trip journey on all domestic flights. To avail this facility, the blind persons have to produce a photocopy of the Medical Certificate, issued by the competent authority, stating that he/she has permanently lost total vision in both eyes. The original should also be kept himself/herself for verification at the time of purchasing the concessional tickets.