A Lady’s Vision to the Fashion Generation
Innusingh tripathty vision for the generation to make an Impact Fashion show – Part -1 Fashion show – Part -11 Anchoring – Part -1
Innusingh tripathty vision for the generation to make an Impact Fashion show – Part -1 Fashion show – Part -11 Anchoring – Part -1
For totally blind people in many ways, the use of cellular phones, especially the latest ones is somewhat similar to the use of computers. The biggest similarity is that most phones are difficult to be used without assistive technologies
மாற்றுத்திறனாளிகள் சுயதொழில் செயவதற்கு நிபந்தனையின்றி ரூ. 5 லட்சம் வரை வங்கிக்கடன் வழங்கப்படுவதாக மாவட்ட ஆட்சியர் மகேசன் காசிராஜன் தெரிவித்தார். பிரதமரின் வேலைவாய்ப்பு உருவாக்கும் திட்டத்தில் மாற்றுத்திறனாளிகள் சிறு மற்றும் குறு தொழில் தொடங்குவதற்கான சிறப்பு சலுகை விளக்க கூட்டம் சிவகங்கை மாவட்ட ஆட்சியர் அலுவலகத்தில் செவ்வாய்க்கிழமை நடைபெற்றது. இதில் சிவகங்கை முன்னோடி வங்கி அலுவலர் ஆர்.பெருமாள், மாவட்ட தொழில் மைய பொது மேலாளர் மாயத்தேவர், மதுரை காதி கிராமத் தொழில்கள் ஆணைய உதவி டி.வி.அன்புச்செழியன், சிவகங்கை […]
Equitable Employment Opportunities For Persons With Disabilities
The singular success of the Foundation’s Employment Wing was in sensitising leading corporates from every industry, to offer unbiased, equal opportunity employment and to comprehend the advantages of placing candidates with disabilities on par with others. We decided to expand this know-how to a wider segment of candidates and companies.
Come November and the city will see a first-of-its-kind cricket tournament that has never been held anywhere in the world. Speech and hearing impaired girls from across the country will take the field at Gujarat Refinery Stadium to bat for the national champions’ title. A national tournament for speech and hearing impaired girls is being […]
Forty-two-year old Gomti Makwana from Dashkoi village had almost given up on her hopes of finding a suitable partner for marriage. Being visually impaired since birth, not many found Gomti as an ideal bride till Sunday when she finally tied the knot. And, her husband Amrat Makwana doesn’t have any physical disability. Amrat, who works as a labourer, met her two years back and they decided to get married.
The oldest institution of social security is the family, including joint family. But modernisation resulted in socio-economic changes leading to the erosion of the joint family, thereby disturbing this institution of social security. Then the State stepped in to protect its citizens, and laws were enacted to provide minimal food and shelter to the poor. […]
New Delhi, Oct 17: Finance minister P. Chidambaram Friday said he would ensure 100,000 physically challenged people are provided employment by the end of the current financial year. “I am here to ensure that we will employ 100,000 people with disability in the remaining six months of this fiscal,” Chidambaram said at a conference on […]
In a most tragic incident at Erwadi, near Ramanathapuram, 25 people including 11 women were charred to death. A devastating fire broke out at 5 am, in the thatched hostel housing them. Out of the 46 hostel inmates, 40 were chained to their beds. They kept screaming for help but no one came to their […]
Concern India Foundation supports various initiatives for providing opportunities to the underprivileged to better their lives. Concern India Foundation works with development-oriented non-profit organisations that reach out to: Despite and/or Orphaned children Tribals The Disabled The Aged For Info Clickhere, http://www.concernindia.org