Today, everywhere you look, be it the malls, cinema theatres, public transportation, cafes, schools, universities and many more, you come across people of all ages glued to their Smartphones. From figuring out what to include in your meals to how many steps you’ve taken a day, to help alleviate boredom, there are thousands of apps to help you each minute of your waking day.
While this has led to the increase in mobile addiction, there’s no denying the fact that this technology has helped several accessibility impaired people find independence and gain confidence.
Mobile Apps have made Life Easier for the Visually Impaired
Until a few years ago, people with blindness or visual impairment required the help of others to read anything and everything – from street signs to novels and many more. Today apps along with the revolutionary Smartphone technology have helped visually challenged people to overcome several difficulties.
They can read and do things in new ways: today, visually impaired people now can read with their ears and write with their voices, all thanks to the handy mobile devices in their hands.
Voice over features on mobile phones is a game changer. It has unlocked the door to the digital world for non-sighted users just like everybody else. Several giant tech corporations are now more cognizant of the challenges faced by visually impaired. Microsoft has introduced several accessibility features on Windows and is pushing for more accessible versions of the popular OS. Similarly, Netflix is now adding audio descriptions for their programs.
You can also use various online portals like what after college to know the various technological advancements that has been creating storm in various industry.
Here, this article focuses on the list of top mobile apps that have made a whole world of difference to the visually impaired.
1. LookTel Money Reader

This app instantly recognizes a currency bill and speaks out the denomination, helping blind people or the visually impaired, identify and count currency notes quickly without any struggle. All you have to do is point the camera of your Smartphone at the bill, and the app tells the value of the currency note in real-time. Right now, this app supports twenty-one currencies including the Indian Rupee.
This app is highly useful while shopping to ensure that you’re getting the right amount of change. Additionally, it helps visually impaired people sort and use money with confidence and independence. Apart from speaking out the value of the currency, the app also displays the number in large numerals on the screen making it ideal for those with sufficient vision.
2. Kindle

Do you love reading books? Then, you must check out the free Kindle App. This app allows users to purchase and download a vast collection of eBooks in a number of genres. You can buy books from the Amazon store and download it to your Smartphone.
Accessibility features on the Kindle App include large prints, human narrators, computer-generated text to speech conversion and much more.
Audible is another app that comes with a free 30-day trial for both Android and iPhone. This app gives users access to thousands of audiobooks, which includes several academic titles.
3. TapTapSee

This app is designed to help visually impaired, and the blind recognize and identify everyday objects. To identify a particular object, double tap the screen to take a picture of it and the app will speak the name of the object out loud.
One of the best features of this app is that you can hold the object at any angle and the app can recognize it. Additionally, when you point a product barcode in the app, TapTapSee tells you more than the name of the object. It lets you know the product name, brand, expiry date and much more.
4. Be My Eyes

This is one popular app that has been getting a lot of spotlight lately. As the name implies, this app lets volunteers without visual disabilities help blind and visually impaired people in real time with the help of a live video connection.
The working of this app is pretty simple but ingenious. A blind or low vision person places a request for assistance on the app. The app then connects to a volunteer via a video call, who then provides support. The assistance provided varies from helping the visually impaired person read instructions, check expiry dates, identify objects, and navigate new locations and much more.
5. AccessNote & Dragon Dictation

The American Foundation for the Blind has launched AccessNote, a note taker app to help the blind and visually impaired take notes with the help of easy-to-use VoiceOver and TalkBalk features. Additionally, Evernote is another popular app for note-taking. It also helps you share your notes on multiple devices.
The Dragon dictation app lets you dictate messages to your mobile and see it on the screen instantly. This app even enables you to add punctuation marks by specifying it out loud. The messages can then be shared with others via text, email, and also on social media.
Final Thoughts
Mobile Apps are indeed a huge boon for the visually challenged and the blind. It not only provides them with independence but helps them build confidence and navigate their life comfortably. If you are interested in developing an app for the visually impaired, then check out this site to get an idea of the courses that help you pursue a career in mobile app design and development.
Let’s make life for the visually impaired easier, one app at a time!