What is ICT4IC?
ICT4IC stands for Information Communications Technology for Inclusion Challenge . This is the hashtag (#ICT4IC) and shortcut for this challenge.
ICT4 Inclusion Challenge – India 2022
Mitigating the impact of Climate change on People with Disabilities.
To encourage and scale digital and technical innovations that reduce the impact of climate change and disaster-related risks, as well as to raise awareness about inclusive climate action for people with disabilities and the elderly in the Indian context, as well as digital and technical innovations that improve disability inclusion and the inclusion of the elderly in the areas of climate change mitigation, adaptation, and/or disaster risk reduction.
Mainstreaming Solutions
Digital Device and/or Application
You are developing a digital device and/or application, that is energy efficient, reduces carbon emissions and can be made disability inclusive and/or universally accessible.
Accessibility Solution for all in the Context Climate Action
You are building upon an existing climate change mitigation and/or adaptation measure to create an accessibility solution for all in the context climate action.
Raises Awareness
You are creating and implementing a program that raises awareness around technology-based inclusive climate action and inclusive disaster risk reduction.
Scaling Solutions
Digital Assistive Technology
You are developing a digital assistive technology targeted at persons with disabilities or the elderly in the context of climate change related disasters.
Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction
You are developing a digital assistive technology targeted towards inclusive disaster risk reduction with a focus on disability and/or age.
Digital and/or Technical Solution
You are creating a digital and/or technical solution for persons with disabilities or the elderly to make every day infrastructure more disability inclusive and/or universally accessible (buildings, transport systems, roads)
.Who can apply?
- Innovators, Entrepreneurs, Tech Start-up or Company Founders, Changemakers, Tech Geeks.
- Persons who are at least 18 years old.
- Permanent residents of India or non-residents teaming up with an Indian organization
- Please note that current or past employees of Atos or GIZ, as well as their immediate family members, are not eligible to take part in the challenge.
To be accepted as an entry, the applicant must provide the organizers a prototype (see definition) of the solution proposed as a minimum. Products sold or applied on the market are eligible as well.
Selection Criteria ICT4IC India Edition 2022
Submitted ideas will be evaluated considering the evaluation criteria described below. The teams/individuals with the top-ranked ideas will be selected to participate in the Accelerator Program.
1/3 weighting – The solution shall have measurable success in improving climate change mitigation or disaster risk reduction for children, youth, and/or adults with disabilities or elderly people (>60 years old) in India and be affordable, accessible, and realisable. If your solution is not targeted towards persons with disabilities (PWD) or elderly persons yet, you will have to outline why your solution would be especially beneficial for them. The participation of people with disabilities in the design, creation, development, or testing of the solution is highly encouraged.
1/3 weighting – The solution shall be creative in how to reach the goals of mitigating climate change and reducing disaster risks for PWD and elderly people and should provide novel benefits to the target group in the respective context. These benefits could be improved access to climate change or disaster risk reduction related information, e.g. through inclusive early warning systems, but also improved access to infrastructure, which allows for inclusive evacuation in the case of disasters. It is expected that participants research if there are already similar solutions on the market and identify their unique selling points. Innovation can also mean that a solution which is already existent in high-income countries is adapted to the Indian specific context.
1/3 weighting – Your solution is at least in prototype stage and has the potential to be scaled to an economically sustainable solution and business model. If technical, financial, or other barriers prevent scaling of the solution to other regions and contexts, the application will be discarded.
Code of Conduct
Applications which do not respect the Articles of the UN CRPD or other basic human rights principles (e.g. discriminating against any minorities because of their ethnicity, religion, language etc.) will be discarded.
How will it happen?
Last Date : 22 Aug 2022
Inclusion experts will evaluate the submissions. 12 Teams will be invited for selection interviews.
Pre-Selection Date : 22 Aug 2022 to 6 Sep 2022
Selection Interviews
In-depth interviews will be held and rated according to pre-defined criteria. 8 teams will be selected.
Start Date: 13 Sep 2022 to 23 Sep 2022
8 Teams will present their prototype during a private confidential event to the judges.
Event Date : 19 Oct 2022
Awards to the 4 winning teams will be presented during a public live event to celebrate UN Day of Persons with Disabilities
Award Date : 2 Dec 2022
Atos Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)
Atos und die GIZ starteten ihre Zusammenarbeit im Jahr 2021 mit einem gemeinsamen Innovationswettbewerb. Ziel war es, digitale Innovationen zu unterstützen, die den Zugang zu Bildung für Menschen mit Behinderungen in Afrika verbessern. Zu diesem Zweck unterzeichneten beide Parteien auf dem Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2021 eine Absichtserklärung (Memorandum of Understanding). Auf die ICT 4 Inclusion Challenge – Africa Edition 2021 haben wir mit über 200 Bewerbungen eine überwältigende Resonanz erhalten.Kindly visit https://ict4inclusionchallenge.org/ for more details