Smart Solutions Challenge & Inclusive Cities Awards 2022
UN in India invites you to submit applications for the Smart Solutions Challenge & Inclusive Cities Awards 2022!!!
A call for technological solutions to make Indian cities more
accessible and inclusive for all
Crowd-sourcing smart innovations, ideas, technological solutions, products, and business solutions for developing inclusive, accessible, safe and resilient Indian cities for persons with disabilities, women and girls, and the elderly.
Last date of submission:
Friday, 10 June 2022
Application Link:
All applications can be submitted at the following platform link:
- Early Stage Innovations : Solutions that are still either at the ideation stage or proof of concept or prototype and have potential to be developed into promising solutions that will address existing needs of women and persons with disabilities in cities
- Market Ready Solutions : Solutions that are either at the pilot stage or tested and market-ready or ready for implementation and address the existing needs of women and persons with disabiilties in cities.
- Implemented Solutions : Solutions that can be considered as good practices meaning they have already been implemented and are successful in addressing the needs of women and person with disabilities in cities.
Key Thematic Areas:
The challenge will seek solutions in the following five thematic areas:
- Policy and Goverance
- Mobility and Transportation
- Health and sanitation
- Disaster Risk Reduction
- Disaggregated Data Collection / Data Management
Who Can Apply
- Category 1: Individuals
- Applicants should be 18 years and above and a citizen of India
- Category 2 : Team(s) and Entities
- A single project team or multiple project teams can apply but a project lead should be designated for all official correspondence
- Any entity – social, private, consortium, etc. should be legally registered as an independent entity
- Category 3: Cities
- • All Smart and non-Smart Cities and stakeholders that have implemented innovative gender and disability-inclusive solutions within the cities can apply
Awards & Recognition
- Total available Prize money of INR 5,00,000 for top winners in each Category
- Possible opportunity for top winners in each category to showcase solutions at international platforms such as the World Urban Forum
- Mentorship and Technical Support by Experts (Individuals & Organizations)
- Feature in the 1st Compendium for best crowd-sourced inclusive solutions and practices
- Certificate of Recognition
- Incubation support to scale solutions
- Match-making with Cities for pilot testing of solutions
Types of Solutions

Concept Note
Download the Concept Note
The Smart Solutions Challenge is an initiative of the National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) and the United Nations in India to address city-level accessibility and inclusion challenges faced by persons with disabilities, women and girls, and the elderly. The initiative is open to all and seeks to leverage crowd-sourced innovative solutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 11 and the New Urban Agenda guided by the ‘Leave No One Behind’ (LNOB) principle in line with the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (RPwD) Act, 2016 and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).
NIUA and UN in India are looking for innovative ideas, solutions, technologies, products, and business solutions that can help break-down and resolve complex city-level inclusion and accessibility challenges faced by persons with disabilities, women and girls, and the elderly. The Challenge is designed to identify innovative solutions which can be easily adapted or replicated by cities; potential ideas and prototypes that can be incubated; and acknowledge and recognize innovative solutions already implemented within cities in India that are addressing accessibility and inclusion needs of the targeted population.