Accessibility online tools
Validation tools are used to check the code for standards compliance. HTML validators , CSS validators and broken link (or dead links) checkers are a few such tools. Following URLs point to some validation tools:
accessibility guideline for persons with disabilities
Validation tools are used to check the code for standards compliance. HTML validators , CSS validators and broken link (or dead links) checkers are a few such tools. Following URLs point to some validation tools:
Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities – Download Forms
For totally blind people in many ways, the use of cellular phones, especially the latest ones is somewhat similar to the use of computers. The biggest similarity is that most phones are difficult to be used without assistive technologies
Ever faced a problem in pressing multiple keys simultaneously? Is the sunlight glare obstructing you from viewing the screen content? Missed out on an audio alert while working in a noisy environment? Would you like to control the mouse via the keyboard? Microsoft Windows XP enables you to satisfy all the above. In Windows XP, […]
Accessibility Guidelines prepared by Katie McCausland and Hannah Clark for the Disability Action Council