Best Mobile Apps for the Visually Impaired that Make Life Easier
Best Mobile Apps for Visually Impaired – LookTel Money Reader, Kindle, TapTapSee, Be My Eyes and AccessNote & Dragon Dictation.
Best Mobile Apps for Visually Impaired – LookTel Money Reader, Kindle, TapTapSee, Be My Eyes and AccessNote & Dragon Dictation.
eSight Glass – #EveryoneDeservesToSee – high-speed, high-resolution camera captures, OLED screens, Full color video images without delay.
GlassOuse has been used by thousands of people to connect technology in homes, schools, rehab centers, hospitals computers, phones, tablets and Smart TVs.
Jellow Communicator is a friendly Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) app that uses icons and images to enable speech.
Divyang Sarathi Mobile App for Persons with Disabilities – The accessible and comprehensive mobile application for persons with disabilities.
BAUM Pronto! 18 V4 Braille Organizer – The compact, pocket-sized organizer for the blind and an invaluable tool for use at school, at work, or at home.
BAUM VarioPro Braille Display – Flexible and Easily Adaptable Braille Display – Primarily Designed for the workplace environment.
Seeing AI IOS App – A free app that narrates the world around you. Designed for the low vision community, power of AI to describe people, text and objects
Android Jellow Communicator is an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) app that uses icons/images to enable speech.
Dot Watch – The Braille smartwatch has reinvented tactile communication, bringing modern innovation to the visually impaired.