Deaf & dumb can speak on cell, Now
A revolution is in the offing for deaf and hearing-impaired people with scientists testing a new mobile device which they claim will transmit American Sign Language over cellular networks.
A revolution is in the offing for deaf and hearing-impaired people with scientists testing a new mobile device which they claim will transmit American Sign Language over cellular networks.
Ptosis spectacle, Rubber occluder for therapy, Occluding contact lenses for therapy, Pin hole contact lenses ……
These other conditions can result in significant additional handicaps to a hearing handicap. Because hearing impairment varies so greatly, it is not possible to generalise about interacting with people with significant hearing impairment and it is not possible
Come November and the city will see a first-of-its-kind cricket tournament that has never been held anywhere in the world. Speech and hearing impaired girls from across the country will take the field at Gujarat Refinery Stadium to bat for the national champions’ title. A national tournament for speech and hearing impaired girls is being […]
As per National Sample Survey Organization’s (NSSO) Survey 2002, the number of disabled persons in the country is 18.49 million and they formed about 1.8% of the total estimated population. The census 2001 indicates that 2.2% of the total population is affected by disability.
A person with impairment of visual functioning even after treatment or standard refractive correction but who uses or is potentially capable of using vision for the planning or execution of a task with appropriate assistive device.
Loss of sixty decibels or more in the better ear in the conversational range of frequencies.
They may not have the power of speech, but education would soon empower over 40 lakh hearing impaired adult students in the country.
Solution for impaired children and Adults Register call:2431 1411/12/13/14/15 Extn:103 Date:4th april 2010 Time:9.30 am Madras ENT Research Foundations No1 1st cross st Raja Annamalaipuram Chennai-28 Refered By ( The Hindu Newspaper dated-3rd april 2010) Read More
Electronic Ears India, Phonak Sono–Forte 332X AZ hearing aid for the severely hearing impaired, Phonak Pico–Forte PP–C–L for low frequency severe hearing loss, Phonak Pico–Forte PP–C for severe flat and sloping hearing loss.