Inclusion or Schemes – Which one do you want?
This world has forgotten that everyone will be facing physical disability in their age of 40s and 60s they need someone to help.
This world has forgotten that everyone will be facing physical disability in their age of 40s and 60s they need someone to help.
I am pleased to extend you an invitation to community led India Inclusion Summit 2014, taking place on 28 and 29 November 2014.
Consider inclusive education first – Support each child’s learning – Get and share information – Enlist the help of others – Become your child’s advocate
Inclusive tourism is a global movement to ensure the full social participation of all persons with disabilities in travel, citizenships, and cultural contribution – and in the process, to ensure the same for everyone else
An initiative led by Mr Patu Keswani and his team to help the differently abled people. This effort has had a great impact of their self esteem and their genuine smiles are a proof of that.
Brand Image in front of customers and in the eyes of your employees. My question to such organization is that when they will be making such extra profits/financial benefits out of using such tactics and techniques, are they giving back to the society or employees a part of such benefits received.
“exemplary work towards the cause of accessibility” and for “ensuring a life of equality and dignity for people with disabilities”.
Workplace Disability Inclusion Assessment Tool and Disability Inclusion Across the Enterprise, Using the Disability Marketplace to Attract New Customers
To asses the state of special needs and inclusive education in the country in terms of policies, resources and practices.
Inclusion Made Easy – Part A focuses on disability-inclusive development principles and Part B focuses on disability inclusion across a range of development sectors or program areas