Learning Disability Archives - Page 11 of 12 - enabled.in
Causes and Risk Factors of Learning Disabilities

Causes and Risk Factors of Learning Disabilities

The exact cause of learning disabilities is unclear. They appear to be due to disorders or developmental delays involving the brain. Inherited factors may play a part. The exact neurochemical difficulties within the brain are not known and the subject of ongoing, scientific research. Although poor vision, jerky eye movements, misaligned or crossed eyes, and […]

Learning Disabilities

Learning Disabilities

Definition of Learning Disabilities The terms learning disability, dyslexia, reading disability, and perceptual problems are frequently used in place of one other by the lay public. Learning disability is a more general term and refers to a difficulty in any aspect of learning, rather than merely the inability to read (dyslexia specifically). Description of Learning […]

People with print disabilities

People with print disabilities

These conditions can result in significant additional handicaps to a print handicap. Because they vary so greatly, it is not possible to make general statements about interaction with people experiencing them

Special Educator

Special Educator

Special Education is that component of education which employs special instructional methodology (Remedial Instruction), instructional materials, learning-teaching aids and equipment to meet educational needs of children with specific learning disabilities.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy is the assessment and treatment of physical and psychiatric conditions using specific, purposeful activity to prevent disability and promote independent function in all aspects of daily life.

Miles with Meaning for Learning Disability

Miles with Meaning for Learning Disability

Learning Disability (LD) is a lifelong disorder which affects the manner in which individuals with normal or above average intelligence select, retain and express information. It is estimated that 15% of the world population has some learning disability.

Children with learning disabilities

Children with learning disabilities

Affect persons ability to acquire, process, and/or use either, spoken, read, written or nonverbal information( organization/planning, functional literacy skills, memory, reasoning, problem solving, perceptual skills) or in other words in short- difficulty with language in its various uses ( not always reading).

Special Education in India For Disability

Special Education in India For Disability

Providing access to basic education is a duty the Indian state that has taken upon itself. Therefore the government has taken various measures to provide access to education to all categories of students.



Specific Language Impairment (SLI) is diagnosed in children who exhibit significant language deficits despite adequate educational opportunity and normal non-verbal intelligence.