Avaz – ACC App for Autism
Avaz is a picture based communication app for Autism. It is a full-featured AAC app which has been developed for children who are non-verbal or who have difficulty speaking.
Avaz is a picture based communication app for Autism. It is a full-featured AAC app which has been developed for children who are non-verbal or who have difficulty speaking.
While the tools technology offers Autism students can be useful for anyone, they can be particularly useful for those with limited abilities in some areas. Parents, teachers, and medical caregivers of individuals with autism know this for sure, and the technology world has followed suit
Android apps for persons with disabilities friendly apps on the market and the diverse skills of children, adults with special needs, persons with disabilities and parents…
iPhone iPad apps for persons with disabilities – iComm, Parking Mobility, soundAMP Lite, Verbally, Ldn Access, Proloquo2Go, VoiceOver, Zoom, Siri, FaceTime, Alernaive Alerts, Large Text, Eye Reader, colorID, LookTel Money Reader, LookTel Recognizer, VizWiz, Light Detector, TextDetective, SayText, Dragon Dictation, Drive Safe, Sendero GPS LookAround, Ariadne GPS, BlindSquare, Audiobooks from Audible, Pastime Audiobook, DaisyWorm, BrailleTouch, Fleksy Keyboard, Skype, soundAMP, Gesture Music Player, LouderTV, Hamilton Captel, ClearCaptions, earSensor, TapSpeak Button, TapSpeak Sequence, Scene & Heard Lite, TapToTalk™, Alexicom AAC, SoundingBoard, AutoVerbal, Sono Flex, iWander, It’s Done, Grace, iConverse, First Then Visual Schedule, iPrompts® PRO, Pocket Picture Planner, Life Skills Winner Task Player, Simon Says Game, Concentrate! timer.
Learn how to design and develop fully accessible Windows 8.1 apps. You’ll hear about the new Accessibility features built into Windows 8.1 and pick up some tips and tricks for making your controls accessible.