Multiple Disability Archives - Page 11 of 30 -
Tamil Nadu Federation of Voluntary Agencies

Tamil Nadu Federation of Voluntary Agencies

TAFVA an acronym for Tamil Nadu Federation of Voluntary Agencies is a federation initiated by the consistent efforts of 984 registered and professionally managed voluntary agencies contributing to social transformation in all districts throughout Tamil Nadu. Right from inception in 2004 TAFVA has been actively engaged in strengthening the development modules adopted by its federation […]

Relax allowance norms for persons with disability

Relax allowance norms for persons with disability

There is also a need to relax the norms which say that the allowance is permissible only to those who do not have an able-bodied person above the age of 18 in the family and that the total value of assets of the family must not be above Rs.5,000. The norms were very old and need to be changed. He said procedures for getting ID cards for persons with disability must be simplified. “Presently people are being made to run around for at least three months to get the cards,”.

Multiple Sclerosis Society of India – Chennai

Multiple Sclerosis Society of India – Chennai

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a common neurological disorder diagnosed in young adults. Its causes are not yet fully understood and researchers continue to search for answers. MS is not contagious and does not shorten the life-expectancy of those who are diagnosed with it. Although the condition may not be cured or prevented, presently treatments are available to reduce severity and delay progression.

Nandini Voice for the Deprived

Nandini Voice for the Deprived

Poverty is a sign of social sickness and is only due to the tendency of individuals to amass wealth, which often is possible only by denying it to others. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “There is enough in the world to meet everyone’s need, but not everyone’s greed.”

State Nodal Agency

State Nodal Agency

State Nodal Agency Centre (SNAC) and State Nodal Agency Partner (SNAP) are the institutional arrangements of the National Trust at the State/UT and Divisional levels to support and take forward its activities. One SNAC in every State/UT and one SNAP for around 10 districts in every State/UT are appointed from amongst the reputed and well established NGOs registered with the National Trust.

Remote Area Funding Scheme

Remote Area Funding Scheme

As such a Remote Area Funding Scheme was conceived to cover these remote districts for providing services to persons with such disabilities by providing financial incentives to set up new organizations registered with the National Trust.

National Trust Annual Awards

National Trust Annual Awards

It is in the light of this paradigm shift and the consequent need to recognize excellence, to encourage voluntarism and to promote best practices in the disability sector that the National Trust Annual Awards are instituted.



The National Trust was setup in the context of parents’ worries that what will happen to their children with special needs when they are no more. In order to provide a sustainable solution to this rather difficult problem, GHARAUNDA – a scheme of Lifelong Shelter & Care is conceived

Uddyam Prabha Scheme

Uddyam Prabha Scheme

An Incentive Scheme to Promote Economic Activities for Self-Employment of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and multiple disabilities.Promoting income generating economic activities for self-employment of persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities through incentives.

Gyan Prabha Scheme

Gyan Prabha Scheme

A Scholarship Scheme for Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation & Multiple Disabilities. To encourage people with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities for pursuing post schooling any vocational training / professional courses for enhancement of their skills.