Pre-Matric Scholarship for Students with Disabilities
Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities,Government of India Pre-Matric Scholarship for Students with Disabilities
Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities,Government of India Pre-Matric Scholarship for Students with Disabilities
The AMRIT Scholarship for Disability Studies – Social Work, Psychology, Physiotherapy, Paediatrics, Community Medicine, Economics, Management
Saksham is a MHRD Scheme being implemented by of AICTE- Student with Disabilities – Technical Education Degree and Diploma – AICTE approved Institution
Ability foundation and Sathyabama University an initiative towards inclusive university education for students with disability, 50 seats are now offered
Voice Vision Scholarship – Financial assistance is provided to deserving undergraduate students with visual impairment.
அரசு நலத்திட்டங்கள் மற்றும் விண்ணப்ப படிவங்கள் – மாற்றுத்திறனாளிகள் உதவிகள் பெறுவதற்கான விண்ணப்பங்கள்
Scholarships for Students with Disabilities 2017-2018. Class IX and X, Class XI to Master’s Degree, Diploma Level, Post Graduate, Overseas Scholarships, M.Phil/Ph.D.
Tata Trusts invites applications for research grants in three areas — autism, dyslexia and public health.
Ability foundation and Sathyabama University offer merit based admission to 50 students with disabilities for the year 2017 with full scholarship.
Application invited for National overseas Scholarship for Students with Disabilities for the year 2016-2017