Wheelchair – Hop, Pop, and Jump!
In this video you will learn the important aspects of how to hop, pop, and jump in your wheelchair wherever you please.
In this video you will learn the important aspects of how to hop, pop, and jump in your wheelchair wherever you please.
She will lead us through a number of How To’s for the wheelchair user. In this video you will learn the important aspects of how to choose a wheelchair that is right for you.
Deafblindness is a low incidence disability. A survey of Sense International (India) shows around 5,00,000 persons with deaf blindness exist in India
An awareness of objects and people in the environment and recognition of what the child hears, sees, touches, smells or otherwise experiences
Practical tips for teaching students with deaf-blindness; Communication Strategies for Persons with Deafblindness; Deafblindness: Educational Service Guidelines
The Whites have had the power given them by the Great Spirit to read and write, and convey information in this way.