Online Research Workshop Fostering Research in Disability
NALSAR University and BITS- Pilani Hyderabad Campus will co-organize a Fostering Research in Disability Workshop on 19th and 20th December, 2020
NALSAR University and BITS- Pilani Hyderabad Campus will co-organize a Fostering Research in Disability Workshop on 19th and 20th December, 2020
ALFAA, Autism Society of India and Manushyaa Blossom organize the exclusive workshop to Help Improve The Symptoms Of AUTISM and other CHRONIC diseases using Siddha-based nano bio medicines.
Two Days National workshop on Enhancing outcomes in inclusive education for special educational needs organized by NIEPMD(Divyangjan)
Jellow Team to demonstration of the Jellow app followed by a Q & A session. Discussions between parents, teachers and therapists. So kindly do attend.
An amazing opportunity for graduates with disabilities to be trained by corporate trainers and HR professional to enhance employment opportunities.
ICSSR Sponsored Ten Day Workshop on Research Methodology for Visually Impaired M. Phil./Ph.D./PDF Scholars – Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Central Library
Mobility India announces 3 day National Workshop on Digital transformation and 3D printing for Transtibial socket designing. The first workshop in India.
LinkAbility – Job oriented preparatory workshop – for graduates with disabilities to be trained by corporate trainers and HR professionals
Android Navigation Basics Training Workshop for Visually Challenged – Basic navigation using talk back and more
First Aiders Training for Persons with Disabilities – hands-on experience of preventing bleeding, tying bandages, taking care of fractures and a lot more.