Workshop on Comprehensive Management of Cerebral Palsy
Comprehensive Management of Cerebral Palsy- A Three Day Workshop – Certification by F.A.M.E India
Comprehensive Management of Cerebral Palsy- A Three Day Workshop – Certification by F.A.M.E India
Third Eye – A learning center for Autism conducts workshop to parents on ABA therapy and Handling challenging behaviours by an American Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst.
Self Advocates Forum of India (SAFI) in association with Parivaar- National Confederation of Parents’ Organizations and CBM SARO, Bangalore, Cordially invite you to the inauguration of 3rd NATIONAL CONVENTION OF SELF ADVOCATES FORUM OF INDIA
Workshop on Early Identification of Children with disabilities – The Role of Pediatricians and Medical Practitioners
Connect Special, a magazine promoting inclusion, in partnership with Shaastra, IIT Madras, Invites you to a presentation on Access in Education by Ms Haben Girma.
Vidya Sagar and Connect Special cordially invite you to talk by Ms. Haben Girma on Equal Access for an Inclusive and Progressive Society.
The Soma RPM Workshop is for Parents and Professional who want to see first-hand show Soma’s unique method(Founder) is used to teach academics leading to communication for people with Autism and similar conditions.
Adolescent Counseling Skills Workshop – This highly interactive course will include case studies, group discussions, video films, counseling skills.
Workshop on Research in the Field of Special Education – Provide a conceptually sound of knowledge, skills and attitude for conducting Research
This is a comprehensive workshop on the Brain Gym 26 activities which is the foundation movement program of the education kinesiology system.