Easy Walk – advanced Laser Cane for Parkinson’s Patients

“Easy Walk” generates Laser Line and Audio, both act as Cue to break Freezing. Inactivity timer helps the patient and also alerts family members to attend. Step counter is very useful for practicing for defined period. Bright Laser Line gives “reference” to take normal steps, thereby minimizes “Shuffling” (Short Steps) which in turn minimizes Falls.
Bright Laser Line along with audio, is generated immediately after the stick is pressed on ground. Audio is switchable.
Contact less Electronic Switch ensures proper Grip of the Stick on Ground.
Unique STEP COUNTER !! After every 25 Steps, Audio indication is generated, helps the patient to Practise for defined number of Steps.
Powered by 4 AA batteries, which lasts for approx 3 months. Comfortable Handle. Height Adjustable Walking Stick.
Unique Inactivity Timer. If patient is freezed and there is no movement for 20 seconds, buzzer will start beeping
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2.7 stars, based on 5 reviews
Product Price
Regular price: Rs. 7500.00
Offer price : Rs. 5990.00
Available from:
Atharva Concepts
Condition: New
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Walking Sticks with Laser and Audio Cue help Parkinson Patients to overcome Freezing. Bright Red Laser Line gives reference for taking the step, thereby minimizing short steps.
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