(Hindustan Times Photo)
The UPSC started allowing visually-impaired candidates to write the civil services examination in 2006. The Odisha Public Service Commission, however, did not care for them till 2015, when the Odisha HC, responding to a PIL, asked the examination panel to allow them.
This year, eight visually-impaired candidates managed to make it to the final list, passing through the rigours of the examination, making them eligible to join the government service as Class-I officials.“The feeling is nothing less than that of scaling the Mt Everest,” said Behera.
Visually impaired man crosses legal barriers to crack state civil service exams
Visually impaired Sannyas Behera from Odisha has created rays of hope for the scholars with physical disabilities by getting 220th rank in Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC) 2015.
Thanks and ref : hindustantimes.com