Two Days National Summit on “Employment Opportunities for
Adults with Multiple Disabilities and their family members ”
Date: 26th July 2018 – 27th July 2018.
Venue : National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities (NIEPMD) , ECR, Muttukadu, Kovalam (PO) -603 112. Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Topic :
National Summit on “Employment Opportunities for Adult with Multiple Disabilities and their family members”
Skill Development & Employment (Ref: RPwD Act-2016)
Registration Fees:
Rs. 500
Payment Made By
Through DD (The Director, NIEPMD, Payable at Chennai) or NEFT Transfer (Name : NIEPMD Internal Accrual, A/C No: 6332687300, IFSC: IDIB000K122, Indian Bank, Kovalam Branch)
Target group
50 Role Model Employments Opportunities running by Parents Associations/ Foundation / Association / Organization from across the country.
NIEPMD Contribution
3AC Concession fare by Train
Lodging & Boarding
Delegate Kits
Dr. K. Balabaskar (09382934157)
Team Members:
Mr. D. Gunasekar-09585321706
Mr. M. Nagendra Prabu-9444812938
Mr. D.Leo Petish-9786431909
The objectives of the programme are,
- Knowledge sharing on sustainable employment models for IwMDs
- To enhance skill development measures and protocol for vocational training of Individuals with Multiple Disabilities (IwMDs)
- Importance of skill development & employment as per RPwD-2016 & Skill India Mission for PwDs
- Govt schemes, polices, social security measures and initiatives for sustainable development of IwMDs.
- To provide opportunities for family members to analyse the needs of adults among individual with
multiple disabilities - To learn strategies for coping up and creating an environment for better quality of health and
living - To showcase for best practice follow-up across the country in Wage, Self, Supported employment
by parents - To address the support system & services available at Government and other stakeholders level
for persons with multiple disabilities - To create awareness on various technology advancement, networking facilities that would enable
employment opportunities and enhance independent living skills - To create awareness on provisions and entitlements of Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act,
2016 for persons with disabilities and disseminate information - To create a platform for parents to develop self-confidence and advocacy skills for their Individual
with Multiple Disabilities. - To facilitate mutual interaction with co-parents and share their knowledge and experiences on
education, livelihood opportunities - To stimulate & enhance potential of an individual with multiple disabilities
- To develop physiological & psychological well-being of youth with Disabilitie s
Services of DAIL:
- Various projects as academic and vocational training, life skills, socialization, self dependent daily living activities, information and communication technology and pre-employment skills training are provided
- Opportunities for self-employment and wage-employment are being created working with other
stakeholders and industries. - Parents are encouraged and supported for employment opportunities where the adult is also
involved after proper training in case of severe disabilities - Awareness programmes and provision of latest assistive devices after assessment, other Government schemes for skill development, maintenance grant, and legal support services for parents are offered
Application and brochure (PDF, 5641KB)
Contact Details
National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities(DIVYANGJAN)
(DEPwDs (Divyangjan) Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India)
ECR, Muttukadu, Kovalam (PO), Chennai-603 112.
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