Assistive Device : eSight Glass

The eSight Glass Engage in virtually all Activities of Daily Living. See the faces of loved ones (often for the first time), read, watch TV, resume previously abandoned hobbies and so much more!
eSight Works for:
eSight has helped individuals with conditions such as: Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinopathy, Stargardt’s Disease, Ocular Albinism, Optic Nerve Hypoplasia, Optic Atrophy, Cone-Rod Dystrophy, Nystagmus, Retinopathy of Prematurity, Glaucoma.
How it works
1. eSight uses cutting edge technology to enhance functional vision for the visually impaired.
2. The device’s high-speed, high-resolution camera captures what a user is looking at in real time.
3. eSight’s algorithms enhance the video and projects it on two OLED screens in front of the user’s eyes.
4. Full color video images can be seen by the user with amazing visual clarity and no perceptible delay
Instant Sight:
Instantaneous auto-focusing between short-range vision (reading a text message), mid-range vision (watching
TV) and long-range vision (looking outside) with virtually no delay.
eSight 3 is a light and sleek wearable device. It is hands-free and, importantly, allows individuals living with low vision to use both of their hands while they use eSight to see.
Enable Mobility:
Provides true mobility so that individuals living with low vision can use eSight to be independently mobile, from walking and exercising to commuting, studying, working and travelling.
Fully participate in academic life. View the board from any seat in the class. Study and socialize with confidence and move independently between buildings and events.
Use eSight to thrive in the workplace, from the office to the factory. Lead meetings, travel and commute, use a variety of tools and technologies and collaborate with confidence.

Contact – Global
How eSight Works
eSight eyewear: Watch how eSight works to help people with low vision to see
Are eight glasses available in India ? Can someone display the contact information ? What is the price / cost in India. I shall be happy to receive the info on mail :
I need to buy one of those glasses for blind person
Can you please contact me on
For Optic atrophy Nueyes will work. You can reach us for Nueyes electronic Smart glass on
my brother is suffering from Retinitis Pigmentosa and lost his vision. Now he is blind. Is this glass useful to him? and is available in Tamil Nadu, India. Pl. contact me. Email :
i contacted a docter in salem who was having the glasses but were of no use to my wife, she went to mumbai also to test with the JORDYglasses available there but of no use it appears that what they all advertise regarding the e sight glasses may not be working for all the cases they are refering in their ads and more overthey are very costly but i was prepared for that also but they didnot work for my wife for her ATROPHY OF OPTIC NERVE condition..
I need this for my father,he is glaucoma patient,is it really works for glaucoma patient,how much,tell me the price
I need Esight glasses for my mom who is suffering from Macular Degeneration. Please mail me your details to get in touch.
Can you supply this esight in india, tamil nadu
What is the cost of this.
Hi my sister is recently blind can you supply this eye esite in india telangana hyderabad please inform me phone number 09440721794 or email
Hi my uncle lost vision in both his eyes. Pls let me know the details of the glass.
Hi dear my dad is suffering the same prblms of glaucoma if get any details plz informs me ##7406871581\9035675568
My father blind much cost
Please call me at 8668111043
My father is suffered from glaucoma and lost his both vision. Is it possible to use esight and recover his eye sight
if you get information from them kindly please contact me 9843037093
Hi, are you selling fake products? Because I checked with the original eSight and they mentioned that they do not have a tie-up with any agency / individual in India.
My dad suffering from stargardt vision digeneration/low vision.
Can you suggest required medication or eye wear available in india,will it cover insurance or government cover? He is a senior citizen
My father has macular degeneration and has a hole in retina … Lost central vision . Please call 9028961008
I am 33 year old women from Mumbai. I m suffering from stargardts disease since I was 14 year old. I am looking for job now a days but due to low vision I m facing lack of confidence. Please help me by sending the details of this esight glasses whether they are available in India (Mumbai). Please let me know ASAP.
I m 33 year old women from Mumbai. I m suffering from stargardts disease since I was 14 year old. I am looking for job now a days but due to low vision I m facing lack of confidence.
Plz let me know the details of this esight glasses whether they are available in India (Mumbai).plz contact
Hi ,
My mother has macular degeneration and has a hole in retina … Lost central vision . Please call 9323971600, 9321597397 .
What’s the cost and demo is available ?
Is it
usable for nerves problems in the inside the eyes. Can u confirm please
Could you please inform your contact number. my Uncle went through eye surgery one month back now he is blind. some times he can see the colors. doctor asked to wait 2 weeks but now almost one month but we cannot see any improvement. will this esight help to get him a vision.
Hi did they call you back
Even I’m looking for this
Can I get the details of availablity in India !! If yes can I please get contact details !!
Please contact me on 9341666371. My mother may be in need of e sight. she suffers from Stargart s condition
Please let me know
I am from Chennai, Tamilnadu. My mother is blind for last 17 years due to Glaucoma. Please let us know whether its possible for her to see through e sight. Also let us know the price.
My contact # is 98844 66163.
Sir my son born as premature
Now age is 16
Because retina detachment totally blind
If he wear e sight glass can he get vision Sir?.
hi my daughter who have RP would like to the details of this product. please mail your contact no. or your business e mail address to reach yoy. my mail id is
pls provide correct contact no
mail to the below id
If you get support from them kindly please contact me .I am also affected with the same my contact number is jenish 8056459447
I am affected by retina pigmentosa disease. I am 63 years old. Can I get this esight3 device by post? Could you come here to demonstrate this device in TAMILNADU? Please reply immediate to my number 9486818676.
I am ready to cooperate with you along with my friends who are visually challenged person.
as soon as possible
can you mail or contact me with full details and quotes my number is 8056459447
hello i tried to contact on +91 98300 07427 but not available.pls email me the contact information as i want to inquire for my mother who lost her vision in 2004 and total visibility lost with dried veins.or WhatsApp on +91 9924138802
Dear, sir Is your product esight is Available in India?,pls share your details on my number 8802686505, or mail me
My mother is patient of optical nerves disorder.
Need esight glass for my teacher.. where do we get it? Is there any trail providing places in tamilnadu?
Unable to reach this number. Can you provide an alternative number
can you please let me know the exact price of e glass meant for visually impaired ?
I am very much happy to hear about your product that provides vision to visually impaired..My father is 80 and he had lost his vision past 5 years Please share your mail & contact details. I would like to check whether it really suit my fathers med condition.
Dear Team,
I am very much happy to hear about your product that provides vision to visually impaired..My father is 60 and he had lost his vision 10 years back due to Glaucoma (after retina detach surgery).Please share me your mail & contact details. I would like to check whether it really suit my fathers med condition. Mail ID:
Ur contact mobile not reach told any other number sir
Ji i am tamilnadu tell me where is here…pH 9994086656
My son is blind , i tried to call u but it’s unreachable.. can u pls call me on 09824151901
Will b thankful to u
I think 9830007427 this no not functioning
Retinal problems(we can’t see) so can i use this esight glass where in buy this items how much prices in India ……im from tamilnadu…
Please inform if this works for the patient having Retinitis Pigmentosa.
Wearable Technology Valley Limited
10/1,Bangur Avenue, Block A, , Kolkata – 700055 | India
Phone : +91 98300 07427
Wearable Technology Valley Limited
10/1,Bangur Avenue, Block A, , Kolkata – 700055 | India
Phone : +91 98300 07427
I need to try this for my father who blind due to Glaucoma. We are from chennai. How to go about it?
My wife has very low vision and her optic nerve is damaged.
Trying to reach you guys, but your number is busy. I urgently require a pair of e sight glasses for my uncle who is suffering from diabetic glaucoma and has lost his vision from the last 2 years
From what age e-sight can be used? My son is 3years old . He has optic nerver atrophy in both eyes. Can he use e-sight?
Dear Sir, My sister is suffering from blind since 2Years, Today I have listen esight glass are there for blind people, How we will get the esight glasses & what is the cost ??? Either you call my phone 9490197860
Hi. I have a person with diabetic retinopathy. Will it help? Would be interested if it is of some help
Contact – India
Brand : eSight
Manufactured by: eSight Corp
Wearable Technology Valley Limited
10/1,Bangur Avenue, Block A, , Kolkata – 700055 | India
Phone : +91 98300 07427
Hi. Is there any esight center in India where we can have a demo.
my wife is atrophy of optic nerve patient suffering from low vision practically equal to blindness can the glasses be of use to her if so i want to go for them i will be happy if a home demo can be arranged for our satisfaction
please give me your contact no or contact me on +9197260659333
My wife hira saha, aged 59, an ex central govt. employee (opted for VRS for low vision due to glaucoma and diabetic nephropathy) is actually blind and suffering from type 2 diabetics for last 14 years. Recently I have learnt about e sight glasses but its cost is too high. is there any alternative of lower cost.
what is the cost?
My son four months old he has COLOBOMA. Is Esight Glass will work for him. I’m from Patna, Bihar, India
please let me know its price or contact no for india.