I had an attack of polio when I was only nine months old, about to start walking. Both of my parents took me to many doctors and tried all pathies, but I lost one leg completely.

I completed my schooling with the help of teachers and friends. I was operated upon by a world-famous doctor, and started using callipers, went to college through riksha, could not get admission in medical college.

I was about to suffer depression ,thanks to my great teachers and friends, I could complete graduation from Anand Niketan College,Warora,(M.S.). Then I got admission in PGTD Zoology , Nagpur University. Here i had to travel by bus to reach every day for classes. Now I had stopped use of callipers,went for study tour in Gujarat. After the PG in zoology , I got a teaching job in Dharampeth M. P. Deo Science College, Nagpur. In this institute students, colleagues loved me a lot, and inspiration from my head principal I joined Ph. D.,and French class.

I had to struggle a lot, my friend made me to drive a small moped,without knowing how to drive a bicycle,a task relieved me from using public transport.I got the doctorate ,just after that I got married to a normal serving girl, she is a great help for my all future endeavours . I had been to Belgium for a conference,on way I visited , France,Germany, Luxumberg and Italy. I then attended several national and international conferences. I degree in education, diploma in French, homeopathy and nephropathy, school administration etc. and also several certificate courses.I had learned to drive a car with some modifications.

I am now retired from teaching after serving for 37 years.Now I am working as an environment consultant, and Amphibian specialist .