HHoT – Humanitarian Hands-on Tool is a web application with simple one-page guidelines on all issues relevant to the design and implementation of inclusive humanitarian action. These task cards are fully searchable and logically interlinked for ease of use, and can be shared, printed or saved as favourites. The whole app (which is fully accessible) can be downloaded to any mobile device and is then available without internet or mobile connection. It updates automatically on reconnection and input and feedback is invited from users to ensure the tool grows while staying focused, relevant and up-to-date.
Although disability inclusion is the driver behind the concept, inclusive practice excludes nobody and will make the resulting interventions more accessible to many other often-marginalised people (including older people, children and pregnant women). The HHoT will become the go-to resource for all agencies planning and implementing relief and recovery work that is inclusive of everyone.
Humanitarian Hands on Tool HHoT
People with disabilities are disproportionately affected by disaster and conflict, and humanitarian aid workers often lack the proper tools to ensure relief and recovery work is inclusive of everyone.
- camp coordination and management
- education
- food security
- health
- logistics
- nutrition
- shelter
Download the app
The CBM HHoT – Humanitarian Hands-on Tool app gives you quick access to practical guidance with or without an internet connection.
Webite : https://hhot.cbm.org/
- Access symbols
- Ageing and Disability Focal Point
- Assessment
- Assistive technology
- Attitude
- Awareness
- Barriers
- Bench
- Braille
- Budget
- Building access
- classroom
- Collective centers
- Communication
- Complaint mechanism
- Disability
- Distribution
- Door
- Entrance
- Evacuation
- Floor
- Food
- Gender
- Guardrails
- Hand washing
- Handle
- Handpump
- Handrail
- Hygiene
- Inclusive education
- Information
- Latrine
- Lock
- Medicine
- Meeting
- Mental Health
- Non-food items
- Nutrition
- Organisations
- Paint
- Path
- Personal assistant
- Public space
- Ramp
- Rope
- School
- Seat
- Settlement
- Shelter
- Shower
- Sign language
- Signage
- Tent
- Terminology
- Trailer
- Transport
- Twin track approach
- Universal Design
- Washroom
- Well