International Conference on Challenging Exclusion ICCE-2018
Date: 30th January, 2018 – 2nd February, 2018
Venue : New Delhi, Delhi | India.
Conference Format:
Key note speakers of international and Indian national repute will provide an overview of major issues and influential factors related to aspects of exclusion and how these might be addressed. Three distinct Strands have been identified to allow for parallel sessions (Sub Themes)
- Exclusionary factors in education
- Exclusionary factors in health
- Exclusionary factors in social welfare and employment
Call for Papers:
For those who have worked on the above themes and are eager to share their research work, here is an opportunity. If you wish to participate in the conference and present research papers on any of the above themes, you may submit the abstract in the attached format to reach us on or before 8th September 2017. After scrutiny for selection of the paper for presentation, the prospective presenter will be intimated. The presenter has to then send the full text paper in a prescribed style that will be intimated later, as there is a proposal to initiate a journal on inclusion in which the papers that are found fit after a peer review will be published.
Interested presenters may please work on the Abstract. Let us challenge exclusion
Important Dates
Last date for sending Abstract: September 8, 2017
Last date for Registration: December 24, 2017
Contact Details
Please address all communications to:
The Co-ordinator, International Conference 2018
C/O, NIEPMD, ECR, Muttukadu, Kovalam Post, Chennai-603112
Phone: 044-27472113, 27472046, Fax: 044-27472389, Mobile: 09884718969