- To provide early intervention services to children with mental retardation in the age group birth to 6 years.
- To maximise the resources available in the child in the developmental areas: cognition, communication, motor, socialization and self help as much as they are applicable to age-appropriate developmental tasks.
- To assist the child’s family, parents and siblings, in the understanding, caring and management of their child with disability.
- To prepare the child to function as fully as possible alongside the non handicapped persons as an accepted member of the community.
- To empower the parents of such children in the training, care and management of their children.
- To develop programmes of training for children with mental retardation suited to the socio-economic conditions and cultural milieu of the country.
- To disseminate the Early Intervention programme across the country, with training programmes for special educators, volunteers and parents.
- To motivate organisations to set up special schools and provide them technical support.
- To conduct research in the area of mental retardation.
- To develop programmes mobilising the potential of IT in the training of children with mental retardation and association and associated disabilities.
Honours & Recognition
- Received the National Award in the Institution category in 2004. (see pic. on left)
- Recognised by Govt of Tamil Nadu (Director for Rehabilitation of the Disabled) Vide RC.No.14994/SSIII/2003 dated 16/9/03
- The Principal of the Centre, Mrs. Vimala Kannan, was awarded the “Best Teacher Award” in the field of Mental Retardation by the Tamil Nadu
Government (2001).
- Received the “Chief Minister’s Special Award for Best Institution” in 1996.
- Programme co-ordinator of this Centre has been appointed by the State Govt a member of the State Co-ordination Committee, a statutory body as per the Persons with Disabilities Act (1995).
- Received the Best Institution Award from Tamil Nadu Government in 1995.
- Programme Co-ordinator of the Centre was invited and deputed by UNICEF suo moto to attend the International Portage Conference (On Mental Retardation) in Jamaica in 1992.
- The Upanayan Early Intervention Programme developed indigenously by the Centre’s parent organisation was released by Mother Teresa in 1992. (see pic. on left)
- The Upanayan Early Intervention Programme is included in the curriculum of training for Special Educators by Rehabilitation Council of India.
Contact Information:
Madhuram Narayanan Centre for Exceptional Children
No. 1, Giriappa Road, Opp. Bala Mandir Kamaraj Trust,
T.Nagar, Chennai – 600 017, INDIA
Tel : +91-044-2815 1840 / 91-044-2815 1843
Fax : +91-044-2815 1843. E-mail : mnc.chennai@gmail.com
Contact persons:
Mrs. Jaya Krishnaswamy
Mr. S. Krishnan