National IT Competition for youth with disabilities in the age group of 13—21 yrs (only school going or school dropout] belonging to the following categories will be held in NIT Kurukshetra during June 2019.

- Visual Impairment
- Hearing impairment
- Physical impairment (locomotor)
- Intellectual / development disorder
Eligibility criteria
- Must be in the age group of 13 —21 yrs in the above four categories
- Must be able to work with Internet Explorer web browser, MS Office and Scratch Programmes
- Must be able to communicate in English
Note : College and University going youth with disabilities are not allowed to participate but school going and school drop out are eligible)
The competition will be doneGlobal IT challenge 2019 on the following areas
Individual Assessment
e-Tool Challenge – MS Office utilization ability
e-LifeMap Challenge – Ability to respond to specific situation
Team Assessment
e – Design Challenge – Ability to make design posters
e – Creative Challenge – Ability to create animated story or games
How to Apply
Applications in this regard may be submitted to
The Director,
Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities,
Room No — 518, Antyodaya Bhawan, CGO Complex, New Delhi
email to latest by 31st May 2019.
Download the application