Invitation of applications for National Overseas Scholarship for Students with Disabilities. 2016-17
Application invited for National overseas Scholarship for Students with Disabilities for the year 2016-2017
Financial assistance to pursue Master’s Degree and Ph.D courses abroad in the fields of Engineering and Management, Pure Sciences and Applied Sciences, Agricultural Science and Medicine, Commerce, Accounting and Finance and Humanities, Social Science and Fine Arts
A total of 20 Scholarships to be awarded, out of which six scholarships are servced for female candidates
Under the scheme, there is a provision of annual maintenance allowance of 9,900/- Pound (Great Britain) for courses in the United Kingdom and US$ 15,400/- for courses in other countries. In addition, there are provision of tuition fees, cost of air passage etc.
Eligibility: Candidates with 40% and more disabilities with age not exceeding 35 years, secring 55% marks and above in Bachelors Degree/Master’s Degree with parental annual income not exceeding Rs. 6.00 lakh per annum are eligible to apply.
Interested and eligible candidates may submit their applications in the prescribed proforma to the under Secretary (Scholarships), Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Room No. 516, 5th Floor, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110003.
Last Date : 30th September 2016.
Email :
- Scheme of National Overseas Scholarship for Students with Disabilities
size:( 341 KB)
- Revised National Overseas Scholarship for Students with Disabilities
size:( 14KB)
- Detailed Eligibility Criteria & Others Terms & Conditions
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- Application Form
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- Advertisement in Newspaper
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- Extension of Date for sending applications for NOS for Students with Disabilities
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