Workshop Title: National Workshop on Pediatric Voice Disorders: Assessment and Management
Target group: Departments of Speech Language Sciences
Date: 12.02.2015 to 13.02.2015
Time: 9.00 a.m to 5.00 p.m
Venue: AIISH, Seminar Hall, Manasagangothri, Mysuru 570 006
Registration Restriction: 9.00 a.m on 12.02.2015
Contact Information: 0821- 2502000; 2502100 Extn. 2724/2251 (9.00 a.m to 5.00 p.m)
The workshop would enumerate the anatomical and physiological differences between the adult and child larynx, voice problems commonly seen in pre-school and school going children and appropriate assessment procedures ( both acoustic and perceptual ) for them by eminent persons who have expertise in the area of voice disorders. Also, this workshop would emphasize on the different techniques that can be used in the management for children with voice disorders. In addition, this workshop addresses different issues on pediatric voice disorders from multi-disciplinary point of view of Speech-language pathologists and Oto-rhino-laryngologists. This workshop would highlight the importance of team approach in managing children with voice disorders.