New device helps blind people to 'read' -

New device helps blind people to ‘read’

REMARKABLE new technology is helping blind people in York to “read” newspapers or books and tell what’s inside a food can.New device helps blind people to 'read'

The high-tech devices can be tried out at the offices of the York Blind And Partially Sighted Society, which has also announced it has won a £30,000 grant.

Chief Officer Diane Roworth said the society’s Equipment and Information Centre, at Holgate Villa in Holgate Road, had a wide-ranging display of about 200 aids and equipment, and two of the latest pieces were the ClearReader and the Penfriend.

“The ClearReader will convert print into speech at the touch of a button,” she said. “A newspaper, letter, book or magazine can be placed underneath the camera, the ClearReader takes a picture of it, and then begins to read it out “A separate pack can be added which also enlarges the print onto a TV screen.”

She said the Penfriend made it possible for blind and partially sighted people to make audio rather than printed labels. “The user records the audio label, which is less than the size of a postage stamp, sticks the label to the article, and then, in future, when they want to know what the label says, they simply touch it with the Penfriend,” she said.

“It can be used to label cans, bottles, jars, sell by dates on food in the fridge or freezer, appointments in diaries, record recipe or cooking instructions – the list is only constrained by the user’s imagination.”

She said the centre allowed people to try out various pieces of equipment, talk to staff and take their time before deciding whether to buy.

She said the society was “absolutely delighted” that the Lloyds TSB Foundations of England and Wales had awarded it a grant of £15,000 this year, and next, which would contribute towards the centre’s rent.

•Diane said the society’s Honorary Treasurer was very ill, and no longer able to help it manage its finances, and it needed someone willing to take on the role, who could spare a couple of hours weekly or even fortnightly. The job was not onerous, and did not require formal accounting qualifications. Anyone able to help should phone 01904 636269.

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