On Inclusion – Persons with Psychosocial Disabilities
At INTAR India, 2016, several wonderful people who came were interviewed on the subject of Inclusion and the CRPD. This short film captures that intelligence.
Bapu Trust, India, had organizing an international conference on Alternatives, in Lavasa, India, November last year. The participation from 40 countries, with over 150 participants. The program broadcast a wide number of alternatives from worldwide, and signpost programs that have become exemplary in terms of reclaiming our human rights and our communities: Soteria, Intentional Peer Support, Open Dialogue, Trialogue, Circle of Care, MH and Inclusion within Development, etc. etc.
Other than this, over 60+ videos are up on YouTube, of different plenaries and interviews with resource people at INTAR, a majority of them with lived experiences, and a majority of them from the global South. You can find all of them at,