Persons with disabilities excel in organic farming

Persons with disabilities excel in organic farming

As a livelihood option for persons with disabilities in rural India, organic farming has proven to be a viable alternative. As a pilot phase, CBM India had initiated an inclusive organic farming project with the support of partner organisations in India. At present, we are supporting our partners in implementing Inclusive organic agriculture projects in 4 regions. Approximately 3,815 farmers, including 1,102 farmers with disabilities are engaged in these projects.

Persons with disabilities excel in organic farming

Across the world people are becoming more aware of the consequences of current modern agriculture methods. Traditional farming practices conserved the indigenous varieties of crops and soil health at one point of time, but extensive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides have resulted in deteriorated soil conditions, ruining the natural eco-system and regeneration. The chemicals which are used for plants have found their way into livestock and humans. The best way to address this issue is to move towards sustainable farming with more use of local natural resources and renewable energy.

CBM India Inclusive Organic Farming initiative

CBM LogoThe rural areas are still home for 72% of the India’s 1.2 billion people, a large number of whom are poor. Most of the persons with disabilities are part of this rural community, generally ignored. Opportunities for education, livelihood and participating in the social and community activities are not encouraged. Even though they are an integral part of the communities, mostly they are in isolation. CBM India has initiated various projects to support persons with disabilities, to help them become contributing members of society. One of these projects is inclusive organic farming.

Persons with disabilities excel in organic farming

As a pilot phase, CBM India had initiated an inclusive organic farming project with the support of partners organisations in India. The project includes various components like need analysis, baseline survey, awareness and motivation towards organic farming, capacity building through trainings and exposure visits, establishment of demonstration plots, package of practices for specific crops, organic certification, documentation, market survey, developing business plan, sourcing raw materials, incorporating technologies in processing, packaging and distribution.
The outcome

In 2011, 16 partners’ staffs & 10 farmers were trained on organic farming management. As a result, organic farming practice was rolled out with more than 524 farmers in Gorakhpur & Mathura districts of Uttar Pradesh, Betul and Chhindwara districts of Madhya Pradesh, Tura and Shillong districts of Meghalaya. More than 500 demonstrations were conducted on various organic composting methods and Bio pesticides technics. Approximately. 178 Persons with disability were engaged in organic farming activities covering 815.41 acres of land which is under conversion to organic farming.

At present with support from CBM India our partners are implementing Inclusive organic agriculture projects in (a) Gorakhpur division, Uttar Pradesh; (b) Betul, Chhattarpur, Chinddhwara Madhya Pradesh and (c) Shillong & Tura, Meghalaya, (d) Champa, Chhattisgarh covering approximately 3,815 farmers, including 1,102 farmers with disabilities.


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