Register Your Identity and know your rights -

Register Your Identity and know your rights

Kindly register the identity of disabled person to get proper benefits and recognition from the government also many disabled laws should be reconsider for the welfare of many disabled person.

[myyoutubeplaylist JHSZm-bYNSY, sUkQzDSCp-Y]

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  1. My brother is with hearing & speaking impaired. He is 20 yrs old..finished his 9th std… He is not interested in continuing his studies but interested in computer hardware.. Plz suggest any career opportunities for him in any field or any training institutions for doing any ITI course

  2. I am visually impaired person with 80% certificate with National ID card. I would like to know the various concessions and schemes given by Tamil Nadu Govt. and Central Govt. Please forward this to my Email

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