Royal Enfield Thunderbird 350cc Altered For Persons with Disabilities

Royal Enfield Thunderbird 350cc Altered For Persons with Disabilities

Royal Enfield Thunderbird 350cc Altered For Persons with Disabilities ( differently abled )

I am differently abled and I am selling my bike (Royal Enfield Thunderbird 350cc) with alteration
1. Three wheel drive
2. Hand Gear Shift
3. Comfortable seating position with backrest.
4. Broad footrest .
5. Hand break control(Disc)
People with real interest can call me at 9486840914


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  1. i came to know about the specifically modified motor cycles for the use by diaables .One who wears the calipers in both the lower limb How he can climb on as there no for legs to keep and he is unable to lift the lega so heigh .
    send details by post earlier

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