Scheme: Research on Disability related Technology & Products

Scheme: Research on Disability related Technology & Products

Research on Disability related Technology, Products and IssuesScheme Research on Disability related Technology, Products and Issues – 12th Five Year Plan (effective from 2014-15).


The objectives of the schemes are as under:

  1. To promote research of service models and programmes on the basis of life cycle needs (e.g. public awareness, advocacy, early intervention, education, vocational training, employment, adult independent living,full participation in the society), holistic development of the individuals and their families and creating an enabling environment for the empowerment of the persons with disabilities.
  2. To initiate and sustain innovative applied and action research to improve the quality of life.
  3. To promote research in prevention and prevalence of disability and the application of science and technology to the development of indigenous, appropriate aids and appliances.
  4. To broaden the areas of disability research to include critical disability studies covering the perspectives of human rights, law, economics, sociology, anthropology, technology, etc.
  5. To involve existing bodies to incorporate disability as one of their priority areas for research.
  6. To evolve strong linkages between research findings and policy and planning and practice.
  7. To initiate and develop monitoring and evaluation of research.

To ensure active and compulsory involvement of persons with disabilities in applied research and product development projects in area of disability.

Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities shall be the implementing agency for the scheme. The operation of the scheme will be overseen by a Steering Committee headed by Secretary,. Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities.

The Components of the Scheme are:

  • Research and development of assistive technology and product development devices
  • In the beginning of every year, a Technical Committee will recommend to the Steering Committee, the devices/products to be developed.
  • The Steering Committee shall consider and select the products/devices to be developed. Thereafter, the Department would get the selected products/devices developed through Department of Science and Technology with the guidance of Programme Advisory and Monitoring Committee (PAMC) on Technology Interventions for Disability and Elderly (TIDE) programme.
  • The operational arrangements for product development shall include concept development, inputs from stakeholders, interaction with designer, prototype development, field trials, final product development.
  • The cost involved on development of products/devices will be home by the Department from the budgetary allocation under the scheme on product to product basis.
  • Programme Advisory and Monitoring Committee ( PAMC) of experts constituted by the Department of Science & Technology and a representative of the Department will review the progress of the projects.
  • Department of Science and Technology will assist the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities to support products/devices to be taken up for development under the scheme. Further action, like administrative approval, financial concurrence and disbursal of grants shall be taken up by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities.

 Download : Scheme Details and Instruction (pdf, 763kb)

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  1. Hello, seen the GO of central govt for examption of road tax, as the OEMcompanies are not making vehicles for pwd , similarly GO must be issue for sales tax examption for vehicles , as the same conditions for only approved retrofitment .

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