Global warming is the main factor which shows a question mark on the lives of human beings, animals
etc. To overcome this effect it is required to introduce the “ECO-FRIENDLY VEHICLE”. This is particularly for DIFFERENTLY ABLED PEOPLE. Since it is Solar-charged vehicles, it has the potential to substantially reduce air pollution .The battery can be recharged in two ways using (i)photo voltaic panel (ii) external EB supply
This is solar chargeable battery operated vehicle for differently abled people. It is a vehicle with a hub motor on rear wheel. It reduces the physical strain of differently abled people and various operations such as speed variations, power supply to motor controlled by using BLDC motor Controller. This vehicle can be operated at varying speed by using twist grip throttle. This vehicle carries a maximum load of 120kg, accelerates briskly to about 29 kmph(max)
There are many good articles like this are being published in this site. I request that you may add the provision in the site for sharing the articles in Facebook, Twitter etc so that it will reach lot of people. Thanks Rajan (
Very nice:-) and than thanks:-). How much this price 🙂 how will get this?