Sri Prashanthi Educational and Charitable Trust -

Sri Prashanthi Educational and Charitable Trust

Each child is considered to be an unique individual with his/her own emotional, physical and intellectual needs. We strive to give the a conducive Sri Prashanthi Educational and Charitable Trustenvironment to help them devop their identity , understand their needs and reach their full potential through enabling education. What we mean by enabling education is that instead of teaching the child directly , we help them learn on their own by manipulating and exploring the world around them .We use experiential learning which focuses on the concept rather than on the content. Our educational processes go beyond books and help children develop their personalities. Along with academics we focus on their ethical values, moral perspectives. We assess their behavioral traits and also help them develop special skills that match their personalities.

school has children in age groups ranging from birth to 28 years, grouped into

  • Early Intervention
  • Reception
  • Pre-Academics 1
  • Pre-Academics 2
  • Academics [1,2,3]
  • Pre-vocational and Vocational classesbased on their needs and age

Each class has not more than 10 children and is managed by a Special Educator along with 2 Assistant staff. We have three terms in an academic year. At the end of each term we give the parents a detailed report about the progress of their child. It is then followed by a Parent Conference where the teachers and therapists are also present. We also have regular meetings with parents on monthly or a bi-monthly basis and invite parents for class/therapy observations .We believe that the parent /family of the child plays an important role in the progress of the child . The Academics section in our school is currently at the level of CBSE standard 2. Some of our children are at a higer grade level and are given individual training .As part of pursuing inclusive education, we are currently working towards including few of our children to regular/mainstream schools. To enable continuous development of our school, we also encourage our special educators and interested parents to undergo training programs conducted by the pioneers and professionals in the field of education. We have exclusive Therapy departments which include Occupational Therapists and Speech –Language and Communication Therapists working on the various needs of the children.

Contact Address…

Sri Prashanthi Academy,
4/199 Thangavelu Street,
Coimbatore – 641022

Email :

Phone : +91 422 2642996

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