‘Srishti’ Special School had started functioning from March 2004 under Aarthi Shruthi Memorable Trust (NGO) with the admission of fourteen children with learning disorders.
The school was designed for limited enrollment, with a maximum student/teacher ratio of no more than eight to one. The small class size ensures the availability of the teacher’s assistance without sacrificing the sharing of ideas in the classroom.
Early Intervention
Our purpose is to identify such issues at an early age and thereby lessen the effects of the condition through appropriate measures. EI can be remedial or preventive in nature depending upon the child’s existing developmental problems. Our services range from identification and screening, referral services, diagnostic services, direct intervention programs and prevention programs.
Therapeutic programs are designed for early intervention to prevent disorders that may arise from genetic condition, adverse circumstances and developmental delays. Vision and hearing problems are such conditions that are identifiable at birth or soon after. Children who have significant delay in language, speech, motor, or cognitive development benefit, significantly from the program.
Children with following impairments benefit from the Early Intervention:
Behavioral Regulatory Problems, Arousal, Attention, Affect, Attachment, Mood, Regulation of Sleep and Eating, Consolability
Musculo-Skeletal Impairments – Deformities, Strength, Endurance
Neuromuscular Impairments, Tone, Coordination, Gross and Fine Control, Motor Planning, Balance
Sensory Processing Difficultie, Tactile, Proprioception, Vestibular, Visual, Auditory, Olfactory Gustatory, Hyper and Hypo Reactivity Functional Impairments, Feeding, Mobility, Self Care, Occupational
Cognitive Impairments, Attachment, Interaction, Communication, Visual Perception, memory, Sequencing, Safety Awareness, Executive Function
Self-help skills: Eating, dressing, grooming, writing, social skills and other areas of daily living
Other Services in the Roya petta centre Include:
Multi therapy Centre
Consultant Psychological assessment, counselling for academic problem, Behavioural problems and Emotional problems,Speech Therapy, Physio Therapy, Occupational Therapy
Remedial Centre
Remedial coaching for children with Learning disability and slow Learners
Srishti special School
B-4, J.J. Nagar, Valayapathy Salai
Mogappair East
Chennai – 600 037
Phone: (044) 6562 9260 / 2656 1617 / 9444010099
Email: info@srishtishruthi.com / sthenmozhi@yahoo.com
Location Map: